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Releases: tristanjahier/zoho-crm-php

Version 0.5: support for API v2

03 Sep 17:22
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  • Support for version 2 of the API. Components specific to this version are under the Zoho\Crm\V2 namespace. Notably, the client class is Zoho\Crm\V2\Client.
    • The API support is divided into "sub-APIs", which are helpers that regroup multiple related features of the API. They are attached to the client and you can access them as public properties (e.g.: $client->theSubApi). Currently available sub-APIs are records and users. See for further documentation.
    • The client needs an "access token store" object to handle its API access token persistency. There are multiple basic implementations available in namespace Zoho\Crm\V2\AccessTokenStores. It must implement StoreInterface.
  • Compatibility with Guzzle 7.
  • Compatibility with PHP 8.
  • Compatibility with Doctrine Inflector 2.
  • Zoho\Crm\Contracts\ErrorHandlerInterface.
  • createFromString static method to Zoho\Crm\Support\UrlParameters.
  • getRaw method to all queries (v1 and v2), to get the raw contents of the API response.
  • Zoho\Crm\V2\Scopes utility class.
  • Zoho\Crm\Utils\OAuthHelper utility class.
  • Zoho\Crm\PreferencesContainer base class for client preferences. It adds a new isSet method to check if a preference value is not null.


  • Composer package has been renamed tristanjahier/zoho-crm.
  • Everything specific to version 1 of the API has been moved under the dedicated Zoho\Crm\V1 namespace. Notably, the client class is now Zoho\Crm\V1\Client.
  • Dependency injection in Zoho\Crm\QueryProcessor is now mandatory. Arguments $requestSender and $responseParser are not optional anymore, and $errorHandler has been added.
  • Zoho\Crm\RequestSender constructor does not accept a $preferences argument anymore.
  • Denominations of "HTTP verb" have been changed for "HTTP method" everywhere in the code. Because of that, the getHttpVerb method of Zoho\Crm\Contracts\RequestableInterface has been renamed getHttpMethod, and the Zoho\Crm\Support\HttpVerb class has been renamed Zoho\Crm\Support\HttpMethod.
  • Method setHttpMethod of queries now throws an exception (Zoho\Crm\Exceptions\InvalidHttpMethodException) when an invalid value is provided.
  • Denominations of "URI" have been changed for "URL" everywhere in the code. More information below.
  • In RequestableInterface, method setUri has been removed. Other methods have been renamed: getUri => getUrl, setUriParameter => setUrlParameter. New methods have been added: getUrlParameters, getUrlParameter, hasUrlParameter, removeUrlParameter. Query implementations have been changed accordingly. Notably:
    • Multiple methods of Zoho\Crm\V1\Query have been renamed: setUriParameter => setUrlParameter, getParameters => getUrlParameters, getParameter => getUrlParameter, hasParameter => hasUrlParameter. resetParameters has also been renamed to resetUrlParameters for consistency.
  • In PaginatedQueryInterface, method paginated has been removed, method isPaginated has been renamed mustBePaginatedAutomatically, and 2 other methods were added: mustBePaginatedConcurrently and getConcurrency. Query implementations have been changed accordingly. Furthermore:
    • Method paginated, used to turn on and off the automatic pagination of queries, has been renamed autoPaginated.
    • Method mustFetchPagesAsynchronously, used to determine if pages must be fetched concurrently, has been renamed mustBePaginatedConcurrently.
  • In QueryInterface, method getClient was added.
  • Zoho\Crm\Support\UrlParameters now supports string-casting for all implementations of DateTimeInterface, instead of just instances of DateTime.
  • Zoho\Crm\Exceptions\InvalidQueryException now shows the HTTP method in its message.
  • Zoho\Crm\Support\Collection now implements Zoho\Crm\Support\Arrayable.


  • Client ID, client secret and refresh token are now sent to the authorization endpoint in the request body instead of the URL query string. This is considered a fix because it improves security by reducing the risk of exposing these secrets in clear in error messages.


  • Installing from old Composer package name tristanjahier/zoho-crm-php.


  • Upgraded dependencies:
    • phpunit/phpunit: 5 -> 9
    • symfony/var-dumper: 4 -> 5

Version 0.4: further redesigned and consolidated for the future

13 Aug 19:28
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⚠ THIS IS ALSO A LEGACY RELEASE. This release is stale: it was planned to be out (way) sooner because it only supports Zoho CRM API v1 that reached its end-of-life on 31 December, 2019. Because of that, this version will not be usable, but is released anyway to stick to the roadmap.


  • Documentation comments everywhere in the code (classes, properties, methods...).
  • Documentation/developer guide in to teach all the basics to use this library. The guide is not an exhaustive technical documentation but should cover a vast majority of the use cases.
  • Support for 12 new modules: Accounts, Campaigns, Cases, ContactRoles, Deals, Invoices, PriceBooks, PurchaseOrders, Quotes, SalesOrders, Solutions, Vendors.
  • triggerWorkflowRules, unselect, selectAll, selectTimestamps, selectDefaultColumns methods to Zoho\Crm\Api\Query.
  • apiModules() method to Info module class.
  • New methods to Zoho\Crm\Support\Collection: sum, collapse, flatMap, except, intersect, random.
  • New methods to Zoho\Crm\Entities\Collection: uniqueById.
  • Zoho\Crm\Entities\Records\Record as a base class for all record entities (e.g. Call, Contact, Lead, Product etc.).
  • Zoho\Crm\Entities\ImmutableEntity.
  • relationsOf() method to all module classes.
  • stageHistoryOf() and contactRolesOf() to Deals module class.
  • "Before query execution" and "after query execution" hooks.
  • Support for concurrent queries.
  • Client preferences:
    • concurrent_pagination_by_default (default false) to enable concurrency by default for all paginated queries.
    • default_concurrency (default 5) the number of concurrent API requests by default.
  • Interfaces (also referred to as "contracts") in Zoho\Crm\Contracts namespace: ClientInterface, QueryInterface, PaginatedQueryInterface, ResponseInterface, MiddlewareInterface, RequestableInterface, QueryPaginatorInterface, ResponsePageMergerInterface, ResponseTransformerInterface, RequestSenderInterface, ResponseParserInterface. These interfaces define the most important interconnected components of the API client, and are part of the foundations for more flexibility, customization and testability of the library.
  • Query middleware. Registered via the client, applied to all executing queries.
  • Zoho\Crm\Api\UrlParameters::createFromUrl().
  • getUrlPathSegments() and getUrlPathSegmentByIndex() methods to Zoho\Crm\Support\Helper.
  • Zoho\Crm\Api\RawQuery query class, allowing developers to define any API request manually.
  • Zoho\Crm\Client::newRawQuery().


  • Dropped support for PHP < 7.3.
  • Changed entities string-cast result. It now returns a prettified JSON with the entity type and its properties.
  • 'getDeletedRecordIds' API method returns an empty array when the response is empty, instead of null.
  • Letter case of all variables and properties has been changed from snake_case to camelCase.
  • Renamed entity "properties" into "attributes". It does not affect the use of entity objects, except for casting to string (__toString()) and serialization (__sleep()).
  • The primary key is not defined in the modules anymore, it is defined at the entity level. For this purpose:
    • the $primaryKey static property and primaryKey() static method were removed from modules,
    • an $idName static property and an idName() static method have been added to entities,
    • entities' method key() was replaced with getId(),
    • entity collections' method entityKeys() with entityIds().
  • Renamed PotStageHistory entity into PotentialStageHistoryEntry.
  • Moved the "query processing" code from the Zoho\Crm\Client class to a dedicated Zoho\Crm\QueryProcessor class which acts as an engine. This engine has 2 components to handle the different steps of query execution:
    • Zoho\Crm\RequestSender sends the HTTP requests and returns the raw response of the API.
    • Zoho\Crm\ResponseParser parses the raw API response then transforms it to make it easier to read and use (replaces static helper Zoho\Crm\Api\ResponseParser).
    • Both of these components can be manually injected in the query processor via its constructor, as long as they implement their respective interfaces, RequestSenderInterface and ResponseParserInterface.
  • Made API method handlers used as instances attached to the Client instead of static helpers.
    • Interface Zoho\Crm\Api\Methods\MethodInterface received a lot of changes:
      • methods responseContainsData() and expectsMultipleRecords() were removed,
      • method tidyResponse() was renamed into cleanResponse(),
      • methods getHttpVerb(), isResponseEmpty(), getEmptyResponse() and convertResponse() were added,
      • all methods are now instance methods (not static anymore).
    • Base method handler Zoho\Crm\Api\Methods\AbstractMethod:
      • method getResponseDataType() was removed.
    • Client::registerMethodHandler() now requires any implementation of MethodInterface (instead of a class extending AbstractMethod before).
  • The response-parsing logic was completely revamped. The content of the API response is now parsed and transformed inside Zoho\Crm\ResponseParser and the resulting Response object will not be modified afterwards. To achieve that, a lot of changes were made:
    • all content post-processing (e.g. conversion into entity objects or collections) was moved to API method handlers. This was formerly done by the method getQueryResults() of Client, which was removed.
    • paginated responses merger is now handled by the query processor instead of the query paginator. The merger logic is defined in the API method handlers thanks to a new interface Zoho\Crm\Api\Methods\MethodWithPaginationInterface.
    • the Zoho\Crm\Api\Response class was pruned of many methods (getType(), containsRecords(), hasSingleRecord(), hasMultipleRecords(), isConvertibleToEntity(), toEntity(), toEntityCollection()) and properties ($type, $hasMultipleRecords).
  • Collections use array_key_first() and array_key_last() to select their ends (instead of reset() and end()).
  • Replaced AbstractEntity with Entity, which is a default minimal implementation instead of an abstract.
  • Responses to the getFields API method will now be encapsulated in FieldSection and Field entities. Zoho\Crm\Api\Modules\ModuleFields::getAll() returns an entity collection of Zoho\Crm\Entities\Field.
  • Responses to the getModules API method will now be encapsulated in collections of Module entities.
  • insert() and update() methods of Zoho\Crm\Api\Modules\AbstractRecordsModule now return single values instead of arrays.
  • Methods format, module, method and limit of Zoho\Crm\Api\Query accept null to unset the related value.
  • Zoho\Crm\Api\Query::select() is now cumulative. It does not overwrite the previous selection, it adds up to it.
  • Zoho\Crm\Api\UrlParameters::__toString() was improved.
  • Removed Zoho\Crm\Api namespace. All contents have been moved to the parent namespace Zoho\Crm. In this release change log there might still be references to this namespace.
  • Moved Zoho\Crm\HttpVerb to Zoho\Crm\Support\HttpVerb, add missing verbs (HEAD, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS, TRACE, CONNECT), and add 2 helper methods: getAll and isValid.


  • Zoho\Crm\Support\Collection::binarySearch().
  • Zoho\Crm\Support\Collection::getItemPropertyValue() for undefined array indexes.
  • XML data will now correctly be sent in the request body instead of the URL query string.
  • Zoho\Crm\Api\QueryPaginator::applyQueryConstraints(): limit of fetched records and maximum modification date.
  • Zoho\Crm\Api\Query::getSelectedColumns().
  • Zoho\Crm\Api\QueryPaginator::handlePageResponse(): partially filled response pages will correctly stop the pagination.
  • Zoho\Crm\Client::newQuery() without arguments.


  • The property aliases feature of entities.
  • Class Zoho\Crm\Api\ResponseParser.
  • Class Zoho\Crm\Api\ResponseDataType.
  • Methods getMethodClass() and getEntityClass() and BASE_NAMESPACE constant from Zoho\Crm\Support\Helper.
  • Zoho\Crm\Api\Query::paginate().


  • Renamed dev_material/ directory into dev/. So the autoloaded development sources directory is now dev/src/.

Version 0.3: redesigned from bottom to top

19 Apr 19:31
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  • Installation instructions in
  • A generic collection class: Zoho\Crm\Support\Collection. It supports a lot of common array-like operations and has a powerful where() method to filter its content.
  • An Arrayable interface to ensure the presence of toArray() method.
  • Methods to ease handling boolean-type preferences: enable(), disable() and isEnabled().
  • "exception_messages_obfuscation" preference to hide the API auth token in request exception messages.
  • newEntity() method to modules.
  • A reference to the client and module in entities.
  • key() method to entities and entityKeys() to entity collections.
  • Ability to use a custom API endpoint.
  • Ability to define module aliases. Useful for custom modules whose names are awful (CustomModule1...)
  • Support for API error 4421 through RequestLimitExceededException.
  • primaryKey() method to Users module.
  • Entities serialization.


  • Dropped support for PHP 5.5. Minimum requirement is now PHP 7.1.
  • Renamed namespace Zoho\CRM into Zoho\Crm.
  • Renamed Exception namespaces into Exceptions.
  • Replaced Request class with Query class, which is more flexible and provides method-chaining possibilities. Also replaced RequestPaginator with QueryPaginator.
  • More generally, completely redesigned the request pipeline.
  • Removed class RequestLauncher, moved the request counter to Client.
  • Removed ModuleFields instance (e.g. $zoho->contacts->fields) from modules that do not support the getFields API method.
  • Removed functions.php and replaced them with a static class helper: Zoho\Crm\Support\Helper.
  • Made entities Collection, IdList, UrlParameters and Preferences extend the new generic collection Zoho\Crm\Support\Collection.
  • Removed all formerly existing client preferences. All queries are now strictly validated, paginated queries are now automatically fetched when needed, and the records are now always returned as entity objects when possible.
  • Most of the modules methods now return a Query object (instead of executing a request), so that the developer can chain his own constraints before actually making a call to the API.
  • Most of the modules methods have been renamed.
  • Allowed to create a query by calling the name of an API method directly on a module instance. e.g. $zoho->potentials->getRecords().
  • Entities toArray() method now return the real Zoho property names instead of aliases. Use toAliasArray() to get the former result.
  • Improved how modules are attached to the client and handled internally.


  • A bug when trying to determine if we reached the maximum modification date while fetching pages in QueryPaginator (formerly RequestPaginator).
  • URL parameters are now properly encoded.
  • Parsing for a rare (but odd!) API response for module Events when there is no data.


  • Autoload dev_material/src directory in development environment.
  • Added custom casters for symfony/var-dumper and PsySH local config file (.psysh.php) to load them automatically.

Version 0.2: expanding support for API modules and methods

30 Jul 18:06
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This version aims to cover most of the API modules and methods. Also, because you can disable request validation, you can now virtually perform any type of API call.


  • Support for these modules: Events, Tasks, Notes and Attachments.
  • Support for these API methods: getSearchRecordsByPDC and deleteFile.
  • Support for 3 new comparison operators to entity collections: 'in', '=~' (regex) and 'like'.
  • fetchLimit() to RequestPaginator, to fetch a given number of pages.
  • "validate_requests" preference.
  • A request counter to RequestLauncher.


  • A bug with getRecords response parsing.

Version 0.1: initial development release

16 May 18:05
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Initial development release