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- Pomodoro is a famous time management technique that helps us boost our productivity. It uses a timer to break work into sessions (typically 25mins) separated by short breaks (typically 5mins). After 4 consecutive sessions, we will take a long break (typically 20mins) and start over until our target task is finished.
- In the past, I applied this technique a lot at and it's helped to boost my productivity a lot. This is a great Pomodoro app with beautiful UI and many handy features. One day, I decided to create a Pomorodo app of my own. It is the reason why this project was created.
- Authenticate with OAuth2 + JWT token
- Sign in/sign out/change password
- Reset password via email with an intuitive email template
- Test API directly with an interactive API document (SwaggerUI)
- Apply the pomodoro technique for the countdown timer
- Add todo tasks with the target number and finish them later
- Change timer settings
- Report finished tasks, ranking between users in current week
- Report activity overview, focus hours in week, year with an intuitive bar chart
- Front-end
- ReactJS
- Redux
- Chakra UI
- Back-end
- FastAPI
- SQLAlchemy
- Pydantic
- Database
- Postgresql
- This project is inspired by