This repository contains canned Intersight Cloud Orchestrator work-flow for configuring a pair of N9K ethernet switching devices required for FlexPod reference architeture implementation. Its expected to have physical connections, required hardware model, NXOS versions, NxAPI feature enabled and have already been physically connected based on FlexPod latest CVD reccomendations. Also these N9K devices have been claimed to your Intersight account using on-prem Intersight Assist running on your on-prem. More details can be found out in this FlexPodXCS white papter -
Once the N9K devices with NxAPI feature enabled on them and are successfully claimed to the Intersight account, uber work-flow can be imported using Import feature in Orchestration menu. Intersight account must have premier license installed in order to enable Intersight Cloud Orchestrator feature set. Importing uber work-flow alone, imports all sub-workflows, custom tasks, config tasks, parallel loop tasks, conditional tasks and validation tasks all together. There is no other requirement needed to run the work-flow except giving required inputs during the work-flow execution.
Uber work-flow for configuring N9k devices for FlexPod based on CVD best practices -
Sub-workflow for enabling features:
Following features will be enabled through this sub-workflow -
- lacp
- vpc
- interface-vlan
- nxapi
- udld
- lldp
Sub-workflow for global settings:
Following STP & LB settings get configured by this sub-workflow -
- spanning-tree port type network default
- spanning-tree port type edge bpduguard default
- spanning-tree port type edge bpdufilter default
- port-channel load-balance src-dst l4port
- system default switchport
- system default switchport shutdown
Sub-workfloe for NTP configuration:
Sub-workflow for vLAN configuration:
Sub-workflow for vPC configuration:
Sub-workflow for Port-Channel configuration: