This repository contains the codebase for an Airbnb clone application. The project consists of multiple services, including a NestJS API, a Strapi backend, and an Angular frontend and is running concurrently using concurrently package.
The project is divided into several key directories:
├── apps
│ ├── api # NestJS API (main backend API)
│ ├── server # Strapi CMS backend (this will be removed once the API is fully functional)
│ └── web # Angular frontend
├── node_modules # Dependencies for the root project
├── assets # Static assets (mainly used for readme docs)
└── package.json # Root package for project-wide scripts and dependencies
Before running the project, ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js: V20.12.2 is recommended.
- Bun: V1.1.27 is recommended.
# postman workspace
For NestJs API:
JWT_SECRET= JWT_REFRESH_SECRET= DATABASE_URL="mysql://myuser:mypassword@localhost:3306/myapp" # CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE READ_DATABASE_URL="mysql://myuser:mypassword@localhost:3307/myapp" # READ PORT= # Cloudinary config CLOUDINARY_API_KEY= CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME= CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET= CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_PRESET= CLOUDINARY_IMAGE_UPLOAD_LINK= # Frontend FRONTEND_URL= http://localhost:4200/
For Angular Frontend:
Please, values in /environment dir.
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd airbnb
Install root dependencies: Run the following command to install all required dependencies at the root level:
cd airbnb bun install
Navigate to specific apps and install their dependencies:
cd apps/api # Install NestJS dependencies bun install cd apps/server # Install Strapi dependencies npx prisma generate # Generate the prisma schema type for development bun install cd apps/web # Install Angular dependencies bun install
Start the dev script using concurrenly pacakge:
cd airbnb bun run dev