ytindex is a Django app for managing a searchable index of Youtube videos and their captions. The app relies on Elasticsearch for the indexing and searching. The app has no admin, no models and only provides one restful endpoint for making queries.
Install Elasticsearch and then install
pip install django-ytindex django
Add "ytindex" to your INSTALLED_APPS
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'ytindex', ]
Include the ytindex URLconf in your project
path('yti/', include('ytindex.urls')),
Define the channel id of the Youtube channel you want to index and the Elasticsearch config you want to use
YTCI_SETTINGS = { 'api_key':'AIzaSyCrGGcnVjY8AV7XWSHEIco3TDw4qobkh1w', 'jrei': { 'channel_id': 'UCzQUP1qoWDoEbmsQxvdjxgQ', 'line_size': 12, 'elastic': { 'index': 'jre-index', 'dtype': 'jrei-episode', 'es_host': 'localhost:9200' } } }
./manage index_latest [index name eg. jrei]
to index the latest videos on the channel. (Put this in crontab)
Run the dev server and visit to search the index.