the comment based "template system" for ES6 slashtrix-templates leverage ES6 template strings to allow you to write HTML templates directly in javascript functions as comments. For example:
element.innerHTML = /*template with data
for item in data
if item.size === 'large' then
<li class="icn-big">${item.title}</li>
<li class="icn-small">${item.title}</li>
The template receives the scope of the function it is in. Thus, any variable or logic that would be available in any normal template string is available in a slashterix-template. However you can pass scope specifically using the with
/*template [with context] [on node]
A template always starts with /*template
. Using the with
keyword will provide the template with data/context and using the on
keyword will attach the rendered template to the innerHTML of the given node/element.
- Calling template with a context will return a string.
- Calling template with an undefined context but on a node will render the context using
and attache it to node. - Calling template with no context and no node will return a callable that can be passed around as a variable.
if condition then
If statments are pretty self explanatory
for item in list
And so should for loops be.
slashterix-templates may or may not be a good idea but can be useful if you are writing a pure js component and need a small amount of basic templating. The idea is based on template strings and effectively adds nothing but "syntactic sugar". It requires a pre-processor to parse the js files and convert /*templates
into template strings and slashtrix flow statements. Currently a pre-processor has only been developed for gulp.
To integrate in your gulp workflow:
npm install slashterix-templates --save-dev
- Require slashterix-templates in your gulpile
- Call slashterix.parse to convert comments to templates
- Call slashterix.use to inject the template flow logic
- Enjoy
const { src, dest } = require('gulp');
const concat = require('gulp-concat');
const slashterix = require('slashterix-templates');
const jsBundle = () =>
src([ 'file1.js', 'file2.js', ...]))
.pipe(slashterix.parse()) // Process slashterix templates file by file, quicker
.pipe(concat('main.js')) // Concat everything
.pipe(slashterix.use()) // Inject slashterix parser
.pipe(dest('dist/js')); // That's it!
function defaultTask(cb) {
return jsBundle();
exports.default = defaultTask