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feat(vue): refactor vue loader with vue/compiler-sfc #251

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@Teages Teages commented Oct 6, 2024

Refactor the vue loader with vue/compiler-sfc.

Resolve #209 #249 #243 #14 #15
Close #210

Some break changes:

  • Since there is no effective way to confirm the position of blocks, all blocks will be reordered after build. (unless it can be quick return)
  • The script blocks will look a little (?) different from source if developer uses <script setup lang="*">, but they are still human readable

But I think it is worth.

also updated test.

It is a draft pull request because I found some times vue-tsc^2.1.0 will add the vue global declare in dts output for no resaon.

It happens in my own package Teages/mkdist-vue-loader but after I merged back to mkdist it disappeared....

fixed with 31e93f0

tested with 2452db9

import type { Data } from './type';
export interface PropsData {
    name: string;
    data: Data;
declare const _default: import("vue").DefineComponent<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_TypePropsToOption<PropsData>>, {}, {}, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_TypePropsToOption<PropsData>>> & Readonly<{}>, {}, {}, {}, {}, string, import("vue").ComponentProvideOptions, true, {}, any>;
export default _default;
type __VLS_NonUndefinedable<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T;
type __VLS_TypePropsToOption<T> = {
    [K in keyof T]-?: {} extends Pick<T, K> ? {
        type: import('vue').PropType<__VLS_NonUndefinedable<T[K]>>;
    } : {
        type: import('vue').PropType<T[K]>;
        required: true;
declare module 'vue' {
    interface GlobalComponents {
    interface GlobalDirectives {
declare global {
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    type __VLS_IntrinsicElements = import('vue/jsx-runtime').JSX.IntrinsicElements;
    type __VLS_Element = import('vue/jsx-runtime').JSX.Element;
    type __VLS_GlobalComponents = import('vue').GlobalComponents & Pick<typeof import('vue'), 'Transition' | 'TransitionGroup' | 'KeepAlive' | 'Suspense' | 'Teleport'>;
    type __VLS_GlobalDirectives = import('vue').GlobalDirectives;
    type __VLS_IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false;
    type __VLS_PickNotAny<A, B> = __VLS_IsAny<A> extends true ? B : A;
    type __VLS_unknownDirective = (arg1: unknown, arg2: unknown, arg3: unknown, arg4: unknown) => void;
    type __VLS_WithComponent<N0 extends string, LocalComponents, N1 extends string, N2 extends string, N3 extends string> = N1 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : {
        [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N1];
    } : N2 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : {
        [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N2];
    } : N3 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N3 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : {
        [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N3];
    } : N1 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : {
        [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N1];
    } : N2 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : {
        [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N2];
    } : N3 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N3 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : {
        [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N3];
    } : {
        [K in N0]: unknown;
    type __VLS_FunctionalComponentProps<T, K> = '__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends {
        __ctx?: {
            props?: infer P;
    } ? NonNullable<P> : never : T extends (props: infer P, ...args: any) => any ? P : {};
    type __VLS_IsFunction<T, K> = K extends keyof T ? __VLS_IsAny<T[K]> extends false ? unknown extends T[K] ? false : true : false : false;
    type __VLS_UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends unknown ? (arg: U) => unknown : never) extends ((arg: infer P) => unknown) ? P : never;
    type __VLS_OverloadUnionInner<T, U = unknown> = U & T extends (...args: infer A) => infer R ? U extends T ? never : __VLS_OverloadUnionInner<T, Pick<T, keyof T> & U & ((...args: A) => R)> | ((...args: A) => R) : never;
    type __VLS_OverloadUnion<T> = Exclude<__VLS_OverloadUnionInner<(() => never) & T>, T extends () => never ? never : () => never>;
    type __VLS_ConstructorOverloads<T> = __VLS_OverloadUnion<T> extends infer F ? F extends (event: infer E, ...args: infer A) => any ? {
        [K in E & string]: (...args: A) => void;
    } : never : never;
    type __VLS_NormalizeEmits<T> = __VLS_PrettifyGlobal<__VLS_UnionToIntersection<__VLS_ConstructorOverloads<T> & {
        [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends any[] ? {
            (...args: T[K]): void;
        } : never;
    type __VLS_PrettifyGlobal<T> = {
        [K in keyof T]: T[K];
    } & {};
    function __VLS_getVForSourceType(source: number): [number, number, number][];
    function __VLS_getVForSourceType(source: string): [string, number, number][];
    function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends any[]>(source: T): [
        item: T[number],
        key: number,
        index: number
    function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends {
        [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any>;
    }>(source: T): [
        item: T extends {
            [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<infer T1>;
        } ? T1 : never,
        key: number,
        index: undefined
    function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends number | {
        [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any>;
    }>(source: T): [
        item: number | (Exclude<T, number> extends {
            [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<infer T1>;
        } ? T1 : never),
        key: number,
        index: undefined
    function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T>(source: T): [
        item: T[keyof T],
        key: keyof T,
        index: number
    function __VLS_getSlotParams<T>(slot: T): Parameters<__VLS_PickNotAny<NonNullable<T>, (...args: any[]) => any>>;
    function __VLS_getSlotParam<T>(slot: T): Parameters<__VLS_PickNotAny<NonNullable<T>, (...args: any[]) => any>>[0];
    function __VLS_directiveAsFunction<T extends import('vue').Directive>(dir: T): T extends (...args: any) => any ? T | __VLS_unknownDirective : NonNullable<(T & Record<string, __VLS_unknownDirective>)['created' | 'beforeMount' | 'mounted' | 'beforeUpdate' | 'updated' | 'beforeUnmount' | 'unmounted']>;
    function __VLS_withScope<T, K>(ctx: T, scope: K): ctx is T & K;
    function __VLS_makeOptional<T>(t: T): {
        [K in keyof T]?: T[K];
    function __VLS_nonNullable<T>(t: T): T extends null | undefined ? never : T;
    function __VLS_asFunctionalComponent<T, K = T extends new (...args: any) => any ? InstanceType<T> : unknown>(t: T, instance?: K): T extends new (...args: any) => any ? (props: (K extends {
        $props: infer Props;
    } ? Props : any) & Record<string, unknown>, ctx?: any) => __VLS_Element & {
        __ctx?: {
            attrs?: any;
            slots?: K extends {
                $slots: infer Slots;
            } ? Slots : any;
            emit?: K extends {
                $emit: infer Emit;
            } ? Emit : any;
        } & {
            props?: (K extends {
                $props: infer Props;
            } ? Props : any) & Record<string, unknown>;
            expose?(exposed: K): void;
    } : T extends () => any ? (props: {}, ctx?: any) => ReturnType<T> : T extends (...args: any) => any ? T : (_: {} & Record<string, unknown>, ctx?: any) => {
        __ctx?: {
            attrs?: any;
            expose?: any;
            slots?: any;
            emit?: any;
            props?: {} & Record<string, unknown>;
    function __VLS_elementAsFunction<T>(tag: T, endTag?: T): (_: T & Record<string, unknown>) => void;
    function __VLS_functionalComponentArgsRest<T extends (...args: any) => any>(t: T): 2 extends Parameters<T>['length'] ? [any] : [];
    function __VLS_pickFunctionalComponentCtx<T, K>(comp: T, compInstance: K): NonNullable<__VLS_PickNotAny<'__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends {
        __ctx?: infer Ctx;
    } ? Ctx : never : any, T extends (props: any, ctx: infer Ctx) => any ? Ctx : any>>;
    function __VLS_normalizeSlot<S>(s: S): S extends () => infer R ? (props: {}) => R : S;
    function __VLS_tryAsConstant<const T>(t: T): T;

@Teages Teages changed the title feat(vue): new vue loader with vue/compiler-sfc feat(vue): refactor vue loader with vue/compiler-sfc Oct 6, 2024
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codecov bot commented Oct 6, 2024

Codecov Report

Attention: Patch coverage is 88.75740% with 19 lines in your changes missing coverage. Please review.

Project coverage is 80.69%. Comparing base (9000888) to head (31e93f0).
Report is 57 commits behind head on main.

Files with missing lines Patch % Lines
src/loaders/vue.ts 87.58% 19 Missing ⚠️
Additional details and impacted files
@@            Coverage Diff             @@
##             main     #251      +/-   ##
- Coverage   82.86%   80.69%   -2.17%     
  Files          12       12              
  Lines         852      917      +65     
  Branches      133      189      +56     
+ Hits          706      740      +34     
- Misses        144      175      +31     
  Partials        2        2              

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Contributor Author

Teages commented Oct 6, 2024

according to tests in 2452db9 I think global declare pollution may be a configuration issue (and should not be handled in this pr), so I think this PR is ready for review.

now fixed

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Improve Vue <script setup lang="ts"> handling
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