released this
22 Apr 13:10
Support operating on raw byte data.
Enable context menu inside the CSTC pane.
Add additional operations:
Divide (Divide input by the given number).
Multiply (Multiply input with the given number).
HttpCookieExtractor (Extract cookies from HTTP requests).
HeaderSetter (Set HTTP headers).
HttpSetBody (Set HTTP body).
HttpSetCookie (Set HTTP cookie).
HttpJsonSetter (Set a JSON field in a HTTP request).
JsonSetter (Set a value inside of a JSON string).
PostSetter (Set a POST parameter).
XmlSetter (Set a XML field in a HTTP request ).
HttpXmlExtractor (Get a XML value from a HTTP request).
HttpJsonExtractor (Get a JSON value from a HTTP request).
Add workflow demonstration in form of a GIF to
Add a changelog :)
Fix typos in several modules.
Ignore the IV parameter when using encryption modules in ECB mode.
Support raw encoding for FormattedTextFields .
Make all operations work on raw bytes.
Implement the so far unimplemented input and output modes for encryption modules.
Correct syntax highlighting inside the CSTC pane.
Fix bugs in several different modules.
Update version of jackson-databind .
Adjust image icons displayed inside the nodetree.
Remove FlowControl and Language operation categories, as they are currently unused.
Remove ReplaceBody (was substituted by HttpSetBody ).
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