This Project Contains One Powershell Module Named as Cowin which contains below functions
This Module can be used to Fetch COVID nearest vaccination center and slots availability in India.
More link on below pages regarding India vaccination drive and Open API for Cowin.
Steps to download and install the module
Download the module files Cowin.psd1 and Cowin.psm1
Run below command on Powershell Window to import the module Import-Module
For example Import-Module C:\Temp\Cowin.psd1
Below are the functions to consume from this module, here Show-Notification is a helper function to send toast and email notifications. Please use the examples listed in the individual cmdlets to fetch the vaccination slots.
In Order to run Get-CowinSlotsByDate and Get-CowinSlotsbyCalender functions, you need to know the StateID and DistrictID, which you can fetch from Get-CowinStateID and Get-CowinDistrict.
Note: Order to run the cmdlets Get-CowinStateID -> Get-CowinDistrict -> Get-CowinSlotsByDate -> Get-CowinSlotsbyCalender -> Get-CowinSlotsbyCalender (optional)
CommandType Name Version Source
Function Get-CowinDistrict 1.0.0 Cowin
Function Get-CowinSlotsbyCalender 1.0.0 Cowin
Function Get-CowinSlotsByDate 1.0.0 Cowin
Function Get-CowinSlotsNearMe 1.0.0 Cowin
Function Get-CowinStateID 1.0.0 Cowin
Function Show-Notification 1.0.0 Cowin