- 🧱 Work Experience:Infiniti(2019)
✈️ SS4U(2021) ✈SurtLabs(2022) 🚀 Arccus(2023) - 🚀 Frontend Adventures: http://vamsikrishna.netlify.app
- ✨ You can contact me at [email protected]
- 💬 Welcome to communicate!
Plex Meta Manager is an open source Python 3 project that has been designed to ease the creation and maintenance of metadata, collections, and playlists within a Plex Media Server.This is a small wrapper around the web interface that the server provides so most of the developement happens there.
- Python-in-Excel: 🚀 Supercharge Your Spreadsheet Skills with Python in Microsoft Excel
- Laravel-Eloquent :🚀 Laravel eloquent multiple dependent model
- ML-Course-Recommender-Model: A small tool for Recommend course based on selection. It also has the ability to test and train the model.
- Dynamic-Sliders-Model: Dynamic sliders used to change the shape of Dataframe and collective strengths of graph.