I am Varun Joshi, a Machine Learning Engineer working at American Express. I am a new grad from UT Dallas and I have been programming for 6 years now and have a keen interest in building AI-driven products that help us.
I have worked in an academic and professional setting in Data Science and ML Modelling, Python, Java, Pandas/Numpy/Sklearn, Spark, AutoML, PyTorch, Spacy, Tensorflow, MySQL, Git, Linux, Figma, Pinecone, Flask, Streamlit, Springboot, Elasticsearch, AWS and Firebase, and API Development.
🌱 I’m currently immersed in the Big Data and NLP world
👯 Working on building ML Systems in the Finance, Fraud and Language Field. I am always open to collaborating on an interesting idea or doing some gig or contract work in the Python and Machine Learning space.
💬 Ask me about Machine Learning, NLP, LLM and GenAI and anything else related to Internships, New Grad and Technology.
📫 How to reach me: Email me at [email protected] or reach out to me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/varunjos/