A shell implementation of kuainiao, xunlei, runs properly on almost all linux platform.
Because the code is using mi account to authorize xunlei, you should bind them first. Here is the guide.
Assuming you've installed git, then
git clone https://github.com/vcheckzen/XunleiKuainiaoInShell.git
cd XunleiKuainiaoInShell
with your mi account username and password in kuainiao.sh
# Line 8 and 9 of kuainiao.sh
# Requirements on OpenWRT, Padavan and other RouterOS based on entware or optware environment
opkg update && opkg install libreadline libcurl libopenssl bash curl wget openssl-util ca-certificates ca-bundle
# Test https and grep, a normal output is like "ip":""
curl -s https://ipconfig.io/json | grep -Eo "\"ip\":\"[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\""
wget -qO- https://ipconfig.io/json | grep -Eo "\"ip\":\"[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\""
chmod +x kuainiao.sh browser.sh
# Speed up
# Revocer
./kuainiao.sh 0
The code below will enable kuainiao.sh
to run one time in an hour, noting that certain_directory
should be replaced.
crontab -l > tmp && echo "1 * * * * /certain_directory/kuainiao/kuainiao.sh" >> tmp && crontab tmp && rm -f tmp