#ASCII Art for Brackets
A Brackets extension for using ASCII art for cool lettering, using patorjk's figlet.js
. All the good stuff is his; all the dumb mistakes are mine. There probably are some, since this is my first time using node.js for anything. Feel free to file bugs and/or feature requests and I'll see what I can do.
_ _ _ _ ___
| | | | | | ||__ \
| | | | |__ _ _ _ __ ___ | |_ ) |
| |/\| | '_ \| | | | | '_ \ / _ \| __|/ /
\ /\ / | | | |_| | | | | | (_) | |_|_|
\/ \/|_| |_|\__, | |_| |_|\___/ \__(_)
__/ |
##Mixes well with the wd-minimap extension so you can use this one weird (John Carmack approved) trick for faster code navigation.
Through the Brackets extension manager. If you want to do it manually, clone or download the repo, cd node_modules
, then npm install
. That will grab figlet.js
, and also its dependencies which we don't actually need.
##Usage Edit -> Convert to ASCII Art. I think it should be self explanatory from there.
##Missing features
- Kerning options
- A 'quick use' shortcut for using the same font without opening the panel
##Release log
- 0.0.4 : Multi line selections get replaced properly; if text is highlighted when the panel is opened it will be centred in the editor. (04/02/2014)
- 0.0.3 : Fix for items repeating each time the panel was opened. (03/02/2014)
- 0.0.2 : Nicer layout thanks to @larz0 (also 19/01/2014)
- 0.0.1 : Initial release (19/01/2014)
##License MIT