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This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 15, 2023. It is now read-only.
Trevor Davis edited this page Dec 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Can I customize and add Gulp tasks?

Yep! See additionalTasks, as well as the task option of the stylesheets and html configs.

I don't see JS files in my dest directory during development

JS files are compiled and live-updated via Browsersync + webpack Dev Middleware + webpack Hot Middleware. That means you won't actually see .js files output to your destination directory during development, but they will be available to your browser running on the Browsersync port.

Where'd the Karma + Mocha + Sinon + Chai JS testing setup go?

Just use Jest! It used to be super complicated to string the right series of tools together to get a cohesive and full featured JS test suite — which is why we previously did it for you. But now Jest exists, solves these issues and is our strong recommendation.

What's under the hood?

Gulp tasks! Built combining the following:

Feature Packages Used
CSS Sass (Libsass via node-sass), Autoprefixer, CSSNano, Source Maps
JavaScript Babel, webpack 3
HTML Nunjucks, gulp-data, or bring your own
Images Compression with imagemin
Icons Auto-generated SVG Sprites
Fonts Folder and .sass mixin for including WebFonts
Live Updating Browsersync, webpack Dev Middleware, webpack Hot Middleware
Production Builds CSS is minified, JS is compressed and optimized with various webpack plugins, filename md5 hashing (reving), file size reporting for long-term file caching
Deployment Quickly deploy public folder to gh-pages with gulp-gh-pages