Terraform module to create ACM certificates
- Route53 - https://github.com/virsas/terraform_route53 - Only in case of DNS validation
- profile - The profile from ~/.aws/credentials file used for authentication. By default it is the default profile.
- accountID - ID of your AWS account. It is a required variable normally used in JSON files or while assuming a role.
- region - The region for the resources. By default it is eu-west-1.
- assumeRole - Enable / Disable role assume. This is disabled by default and normally used for sub organization configuration.
- assumableRole - The role the user will assume if assumeRole is enabled. By default, it is OrganizationAccountAccessRole.
- create_cert - If certificate should be created. By default it is set to true, only in case of import, this should be disabled.
- import_cert - For import, please set this value to true, disable creation and provide the name of the cert in cert object.
- cert_path - By default the certs are located in ./cert/acm directory with names NAME and extensions .crt .key and -ca.crt.
- cert - Certificate for domain name and its alternatives. Eg.: cert = { domain = 'example.org', alternatives = ['*.example.org']}
- validation - Method for certificate validation. DNS or EMAIL are valid options. In the case of DNS, route53 zone must be provided too. By default, we will validate the domain by email.
- zone - The Route53 zone ID, in case DNS method is selected.
- ttl - The Route53 record TTL
variable "acm_example_cert" {
default = { name = "example", domain = "example.org", alternatives = [ "www.example.org", "api.example.org", "app.example.org" ] }
module "acm_example" {
source = "git::https://github.com/virsas/mod-terraform-aws-acm.git?ref=v3.0.2"
profile = "default"
accountID = var.accountID
region = "us-east-1"
validation = "DNS"
zone = module.route53_example_org.zone_id
cert = var.acm_example_cert
output "acm_example_arn" {
value = module.acm_example.arn
variable "acm_multi_cert" {
default = { name = "example", domain = "example.org", alternatives = [ "*.example.org", "example.com", "*.example.com" ] }
module "acm_multi" {
source = "git::https://github.com/virsas/mod-terraform-aws-acm.git?ref=v3.0.2"
profile = "default"
accountID = var.accountID
region = "us-east-1"
cert = var.acm_multi_cert
output "acm_multi_arn" {
value = module.acm_multi.arn
variable "acm_import_cert" {
default = { name = "google", domain = "", alternatives = [] }
module "acm_import" {
source = "git::https://github.com/virsas/mod-terraform-aws-acm.git?ref=v3.0.2"
profile = "default"
accountID = var.accountID
region = "us-east-1"
create_cert = false
import_cert = true
cert_path = "./certs"
cert = var.acm_import_cert
output "acm_import_arn" {
value = module.acm_import.arn
- id
- arn
- domain_name
- status
- validation_emails (populated only for email validation)
- validation_domains (populated only for dns validation)