Terraform module to create VPC in AWS using terraform
# name: the name of the VPC
# block: the IP allocation for the VPC
# logtype: type of the logs if logflow is enabled. If disabled, this can be an empty string.
# logtype: Valid values: ACCEPT,REJECT, ALL
# logformat: type of the format of the stored logs.
# logformat: Valid values: plain-text, parquet
# logperhour: Indicates whether to partition the flow log per hour to reduce the AWS cost
variable "example_vpc" { default = { name = "example", block = "", logtype = "ALL", logformat = "parquet", logperhour = true} }
vpc = var.example_vpc
# to enable logflow to comply with AWS recommendation
logflow = true
# ARN of the S3 log bucket
logsbucket = module.s3_logs.arn
# VPC Variables
variable "vpc" { default = { name = "example", block = "", logtype = "ALL", logformat = "parquet", logperhour = true} }
module "vpc_main" {
source = "git::https://github.com/virsas/terraform_vpc.git?ref=v1.0.0"
vpc = var.vpc
logflow = true
logsbucket = module.s3_logs.arn