This is a Flair detector working on the following flairs in r/India
Vishwesh Kumar: [email protected]
the used flairs are :['AMA','Science/Technology','Food','Demonetization', 'Photography', 'Policy & Economy','[R]eddiquette','r/all','Non-Political','Sports','AskIndia','Politics']
There Directory is split into Two Directories:
Training | Heroku-app |
Contains data required for training and selecting model before deploying | App deployed on heroku |
- All .py files have details inside them : here is a idea of major files they do :
- : A command line interface to input url and predict flair
- : Checking Database accuracy on one another to pick best accuracy
- Used to train models on textual data
- and data off of reddit
- Contains command to run to store and retrieve currently saved databases
['LinearSVC' ,'MultinomialNB','LogisticRegression','SGDClassifier','RandomForestClassifier'] * Final Features used after testing for accuracy: Title text and Self text: 68 % accuracy (78% best accuracy on Pickle2.pkl database) * Used Combined datasets of pickle2 and Unpolarized_dataset.pkl to make final model * Best accuracy by LinearSVC
- Scraped Data: saved in three pickle files : which are saved as dictionary pandas dataframes on mongodb along with being stored locally for convienience:
- Pickle1.pkl: The newest approx 900 posts
- Pickle2.pkl: The top approx 900 posts
- Unpolarized_dataset.pkl:Contains a 100 submissions sorted by relevance for each allowed flair
- Used the praw api along with pushshift api to collect posts(pushshift sometimes gave incosistent results in case of the flair attribute of the submissions)*
- MongodbData : a copy of the db folder of the mongodb instance :contains datas of all three pickles in three seperate collections in database : rIndiadata
- Trained Models: Contains trained model on all three datasets for ease of testing
Deployed : heroku app: deployed on website:
- Initially scraped attributes:['created_utc','score','selftext','is_video',"title", 'over_18','num_comments','is_reddit_media_domain','num_crossposts','is_self','link_flair_text','comment_text','net_comment_score']
- Tested data on all three datasets available on each attribute:
picked best accuracy datasets and attributes together to test them
* Final Features used after testing for accuracy: Title text and Self text: 68 % accuracy (78% best accuracy on Pickle2.pkl database)
* Used Combined datasets of pickle2 and Unpolarized_dataset.pkl to make final model
* Best accuracy by LinearSVC
- Used Vectorizer module to for text to vectors
- Used nltk library to preprocess textual data*
- All requirements to run Heroku-app can be found inside Heroku-app/Reddit/requirements.txt
- after doing so go to directory by running these commands after cloning the repository*
cd Heroku-app/Reddit/
python runserver
Can be found inside Training/Helpful Links with descriptions
- Go to the Website:
- Enter URL
- For view temporal and content and user analysis: Click the button at the bottom of the homepage
- Keep clicking next button which can be found at the bottom of every webpage,until you are looped back to the start