- Feature: Windows: Compile as Win-x64. NET runtime is not required anymore.
- Feature: Windows: WebView2 is optional. Run UI in the default web browser if WebView2 was not installed
- Fix: Unable to connect to IpV6 supported site on chrome when server IpV6 is not configured
- Fix: Hold some TCP connections
- Fix: The client tries to connect to the IPv6 endpoint regardless of its connectivity
- Fix: Show Blank screen
- Update: Restore auto-reconnect
- Update: Improve performance and memory usage
- Update: Windows x86 (32-bit) is not supported anymore
- Feature: Report IPv6 support to client
- Feature: Add -domain to File AccessServer to set access-key endpoint will set to certificate domain
- Fix: Update Script doesn't work
- Fix: Hold some TCP connections
- Fix: Delay in showing command-line helps for File Access Server
- Fix: "Sequence contains no elements" Error when could not find any Public IP
- Update: Improve performance and memory usage
- Update: Improve Logging
- Update: Change config JSON property name for SessionOptions and TrackingOptions