This java code utilizes Selenium webdriver to scrape the California CHP dispatchers web page located at
The data is filtered based on CHP dispatch center ( there are about 20 ), and then can be filtered via a KML file outline. Details are scraped and pushed into a listener pattern. Right now there are only two listeners print and email. This code will email you when it finds a new event.
To run. clone the project and then:
mvn clean package
to produce: cadchpscraper-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
which is run from the command line like:
java -jar cadchpscraper-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -h [smtphost] -p [smtppass] -u [smtpuser] -t [toemail] -f [fromemail] -k FilterArea.kml