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This repository contains both the definitions of Metadata Schemas and a python library for creating schema objects with pydantic and Excel.

Defining Metadata Schemas

The schemas are defined in the JSON Schema format in the folder schemas. For more information you can view documentation at


Excel sheets formatted for each metadata type are located in this repo in the excel_sheets folder.

Python library

To install the library run

pip install metadataschemas

Creating a pydantic metadata object

To create a timeseries metadata object run

from metadataschemas import indicator_schema

indicator_metadata = indicator_schema.TimeseriesSchema(idno='project_idno',series_description=indicator_schema.SeriesDescription(idno='project_idno', name='project_name'))


And the print statement will show you the metadata object in a pleasant format.


Depending on your IDE, selecting TimeseriesSchema could show you what fields the schema contains and their corresponding object definitions.

There are metadata objects for each of the following metadata types:

Metadata Type Metadata Object
document document_schema.ScriptSchemaDraft
geospatial geospatial_schema.GeospatialSchema
image image_schema.ImageDataTypeSchema
indicator indicator_schema.TimeseriesSchema
indicators_db indicators_db_schema.TimeseriesDatabaseSchema
microdata microdata_schema.MicrodataSchema
resource resource_schema.Model
script script_schema.ResearchProjectSchemaDraft
table table_schema.Model
video video_schema.Model

Python - Metadata Manager

The Manager exists to be an interface with Excel and to lightly assist creating schemas.

For Excel we can:

  1. Create blank Excel files formatted for a given metadata type
  2. Write metadata objects to Excel
  3. Read an appropriately formatted Excel file containing metadata into a pydantic metadata object

To use it run:

from metadataschemas import MetadataManager

mm = MetadataManager()

filename = mm.write_metadata_outline_to_excel('indicator')

filename = mm.save_metadata_to_excel(indicator_metadata)

# Then after you have updated the metadata in the Excel file

updated_indicator_metadata = mm.read_metadata_from_excel(filename)

The manager also offers a convenient way to get started creating metadata in pydantic by creating an empty pydantic object for a given metadata type which can then be updated as needed.

# list the supported metadata types

# get the pydantic class for a given metadata type
microdata_type = mm.metadata_class_from_name("microdata")

# create an instantiated pydantic object and then fill in your data
microdata_metadata = mm.create_metadata_outline("microdata")
microdata_metadata.repositoryid = "repository id"
microdata_metadata.study_desc.title_statement.idno = "project_idno"

Updating Schemas

First create a branch from the main branch. Branch names should follow the pattern 'schema/<your user name>/<short description of change>'.

Then make the change you want to the json schema in the schemas folder.

Then in pyproject.toml update the version number, changing either the major, minor or patch number as appropriate given the conventions below.

After, update the version number of the specific schema you updated in the json_to_python_config.yaml file to match the version number in pyproject.toml.

Next update the pydantic schemas so that they match the latest json schemas by running

python pydantic_schemas/generators/

Finally update the Excel sheets by running

python -m pydantic_schemas.generators.generate_excel_files

Versioning conventions for schemas

Major Changes

  • field type changes that break convention and cannot be coerced such as a field moving from string to an array
  • a mandatory field added or optional field changed to mandatory

Minor Changes

  • field removed
  • optional field added

Patch Changes

  • field type changes that can be coerced such as int to string