357 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
xDSL framework
- core: allow result variadic inference @alexarice (#3559)
- core: fix bitwidth 0 value range @superlopuh (#3552)
- core: add functional-type directive @alexarice (#3517)
- core: Fix 'parse_single_type' for operands/results directives @alexarice (#3553)
- core: fix (and test) operands/results directives with no variadics @alexarice (#3551)
- core: remove unnecessary whitespace printing in assembly format @alexarice (#3530)
- core: Fix extractor logic for optional and default-valued properties @alexarice (#3525)
- dialects: (builtin) normalize signless values on init @superlopuh (#3554)
- dialects: (builtin) use truthiness in of constant IntegerAttr values @superlopuh (#3556)
- dialects: (bufferization) fix materialize_in_destination @alexarice (#3495)
- dialects: (arith) add addi constant propagation @alexarice (#3563)
- dialects: (csl) handle negative-valued task ID representation @superlopuh (#3558)
- dialects: (arith) add Cmpi canonicalization @alexarice (#3564)
- dialects (arm): add func op @emmau678 (#3546)
- dialects: (arith) add muli canonicalization @alexarice (#3557)
- dialects: (builtin) fix true/false printing @superlopuh (#3555)
- dialects: (builtin) move value range helper definitions to utils @superlopuh (#3550)
- dialects: (builtin) don't use data in DenseArrayBase @superlopuh (#3542)
- dialects: (builtin) verify that the elements of dense satisfy type @superlopuh (#3544)
- dialects: (builtin) fixed FixedBitwidthType size calculation @superlopuh (#3543)
- dialects: (builtin) DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr: make data private and use getters instead @jorendumoulin (#3535)
- dialects: (builtin) remove Index support in DenseArrayBase @superlopuh (#3541)
- dialects: (bufferization) add CloneOp @jorendumoulin (#3560)
- transformations: (convert-stencil-to-csl-stencil) Support multiple input buffers @n-io (#3575)
- transforms: use rewriter and listener in convert-stencil-to-csl-stencil @math-fehr (#3538)
- transforms: use Rewriter instead of PatternRewriter in mlir-opt @math-fehr (#3537)
- interpreter: (pdl) add an initial version of EqSat PDLMatcher @jianyicheng (#3574)
- interpreters: (irdl) generate better op name @alexarice (#3529)
🗎 Documentation
- documentation: add experimental features flag guide to README @superlopuh (#3567)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- transformations: (convert-stencil-to-csl-stencil) Support multiple input buffers @n-io (#3575)
- interactive: fix dark mode @alexarice (#3582)
- dialects: (bufferization) fix materialize_in_destination @alexarice (#3495)
- bug: add init.py @alexarice (#3568)
- dialects: (csl) handle negative-valued task ID representation @superlopuh (#3558)
- dialects: (builtin) fix true/false printing @superlopuh (#3555)
- core: fix (and test) operands/results directives with no variadics @alexarice (#3551)
- core: Fix extractor logic for optional and default-valued properties @alexarice (#3525)
Continuous Integration
- CI: add "tests" to extraPaths for Pyright to find conftest locally @superlopuh (#3571)
- pip prod(deps): bump textual from 0.88.1 to 0.89.1 @dependabot (#3578)
- pip prod(deps): bump jax from 0.4.35 to 0.4.36 @dependabot (#3577)
- pip prod(deps): bump marimo from 0.9.30 to 0.9.31 @dependabot (#3579)
- pip prod(deps): bump ruff from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 @dependabot (#3580)
- pip prod(deps): bump pyright from 1.1.389 to 1.1.390 @dependabot (#3570)
- pip prod(deps): bump marimo from 0.9.28 to 0.9.30 @dependabot (#3565)
- pip prod(deps): bump marimo from 0.9.27 to 0.9.28 @dependabot (#3561)
- pip prod(deps): bump textual from 0.87.1 to 0.88.1 @dependabot (#3549)
- pip prod(deps): bump ruff from 0.8.0 to 0.8.1 @dependabot (#3548)
- interactive: fix dark mode @alexarice (#3582)
- misc: use experimental TypeForm feature of Pyright @superlopuh (#3450)
- minor: (csl-wrapper-hoist-buffers) Always use good name hints @n-io (#3562)
- core: Fix 'parse_single_type' for operands/results directives @alexarice (#3553)
- core: fix (and test) operands/results directives with no variadics @alexarice (#3551)
- misc: remove unused name argument from builtin attribute parsing @superlopuh (#3545)
- core: remove unnecessary whitespace printing in assembly format @alexarice (#3530)
- tool: (irdl-to-pyrdl) Generate better class name @alexarice (#3528)
- interactive: fix dark mode @alexarice (#3582)