Deployed Build v0.0.3
- add version tags a/c to package.json version #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- add transfer entity relation in multisig #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- add local build testing #5 (Ahmed Ali)
Bug Fixes
- break if dest id not present #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- return fn if transfer not available in multisig #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- remove logger and add yarn build in ci #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- add chaintypes #1 (Ahmed Ali)
Code Refactoring
- ready for merge with main #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- function refactoring #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- separate release functionality #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- fix project.yaml and network.ts and updated batch and multisig #1 (Ahmed Ali)
Continuous Integration
- check cache #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- normal install #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- cache yarn #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- cache yarn #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- cache yarn #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- only run on PR #1 (Ahmed Ali)
- add build yml file #3 (Ahmed Ali)
- remove cache #5 (Ahmed Ali)