application does not run because mysql dependency is looking for a data source configuration.
can't expose db password and other sensitive data:
- use jasypt --
- see
- IntelliJ, Run/Debug Configurations -> Modify Options -> Add VM options
- add like so ...
- run as normally now
lombok in domain.User
class is not building out the getters and setters correctly causing an error.
The error occurs in the repository.implementation.UserRepositoryImpl
public User create(User user) {
// Check whether the email is unique
if (getEmailCount(user.getEmail()
.toLowerCase()) > 0)
throw new ApiException("Email already in use. Please use a different email and try again.");
Compiler complains that user.getEmail()
is not found. This points the issue to lombok.
things that did not work:
- enabling annotations
- invalidating VCS cache
- invalidating cache all options
- downgrading project to 3.3.* from 3.4.*
- deleting .idea directory and restarting ide
The solution is a combination of doing mvn clean install
, followed by attempting to run the application, invalidating the VCS cache, restart IntelliJ and re-run the program, and then go into the "Enable Annotation Processing" settings and doing the steps below:
File > Settings > Build,Execution,Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors
Ok found the culprit:
With new project the processor is “obtain from a static jar file” … that do not exist.
Switching back to the old default version (option that I have on old project) it is OK.
So solution: Switch to “obtain processors from project classpath”.
Processor path to lombok:
Looking at the issue again. It works after I change it back to the processor path from the project classpath.
remember: need mysql db running for the application run
after fixing some errors, we run the following test using Postman.
request body raw:
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "123456"
201 Created
"timeStamp": "2025-01-09T02:45:30.831266092",
"status": "CREATED",
"statusCode": 201,
"message": "User created",
"data": {
"user": {
"id": 6,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"address": null,
"phone": null,
"title": null,
"bio": null,
"imageUrl": null,
"enabled": false,
"createdAt": null,
"notLocked": true,
"usingMfa": false
replace default Spring application run banner with custom
calvin s
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ansi shadow
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`---' `--`--'`--' `---'`--'`--' .-' /
______ ______ __ ______ __ ______ __ __
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"timeStamp": "2025-01-13T23:44:39.732175641",
"status": "UNAUTHORIZED",
"statusCode": 401,
"reason": "You need to log in to access this resource"
however, in the console,
2025-01-13T23:44:39.708-05:00 INFO 51040 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.c.c.r.i.UserRepositoryImpl : User found in the database: [email protected]
2025-01-13T23:44:39.709-05:00 INFO 51040 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] c.c.c.r.i.RoleRepositoryImpl : Fetching role for the user id: 6
Which means, the User and the Role were successfully found in the database.
This is supposed to pass.
After debugging and checking our code against the different code versions (based on Spring Boot 2.7.x and 3.2.2), it is determined that the issue was...
Inside the UserPrincipal
class, set isEnabled()
to return true so that the user can login and thus we can test the login functionality through Postman:
// inside UserPrincipal
* Indicates whether the user is enabled or disabled. A disabled user cannot be
* authenticated.
* @return <code>true</code> if the user is enabled, <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean isEnabled() {
// return this.user.isEnabled();
return true;
NOTE: MAKE SURE TO USE THE ENDPOINT URL http://localhost:8080/user/login
and NOT http://localhost:8080/user/login/
. The latter will cause the login test to fail even though code is all fine.
Set environment variables inside
file should be in the same location as application.yml
(inside the resources
# Twilio Credentials
put the jwt.secret
value (whatever you want essentially) in the
Confirm the JWT tokens using: Paste in the token to get information on the header (algorithm & token type), payload (data), as well as verifying the signature (secret base64).