Zero Collateral frontend integration with CeFi infrastructure.
Secrets are held in .development-secrets.json
see src/util/constants.tsx for
required environment variables.
To build the production code, run npm build
To run the production application, use PORT=8080 npm start
Start the UI in development mode with:
npm run start:dev
Start the server with:
PLAID_CLIENT_ID=5ec44b05f35e35031238d348 PLAID_SECRET=asdfwefg233dffsf \
PLAID_PUBLIC_KEY=8f8e5a63107fc2027a5768a1571988 PLAID_PRODUCTS=transactions \
npm start
This app uses JSDocs. To generate documentation in the docs folder, run:
npm run build:docs
Install Metamask and connect to the test network currently used on the server.
Application State can be found in src/context/app.tsx
Routing is stored in the src/components/Routing.tsx
Top level views shown by the Router are stored in the `src/componenvs/views folder.