A simple command line tool to view assembly references.
Install from Chocolatey package:
C:\> choco install asmspy
Or download AsmSpy as a .zip here. The .zip file contains AsmSpy.exe.
Simply run AsmSpy giving it a path to your bin directory (the folder where your project's assemblies live).
AsmSpy D:\Source\sutekishop\Suteki.Shop\Suteki.Shop\bin
It will output a list of all conflicting assembly references. That is where different assemblies in your bin folder reference different versions of the same assembly.
Switch | Description |
all | list all assemblies and references. Supported formats: -a, --all |
nonsystem | ignore system assemblies. Supported formats: -n, --nonsystem |
noconsole | do not show reference output on console. Supported formats: -nc, --noconsole |
silent | do not show any output, only warnings and errors will be shown. Supported formats: -s, --silent |
dgml | export dependency graph to a dgml file. Supported formats: -dg <filename>, --silent <filename> |
rsw | Will only analyze assemblies if their referenced assemblies starts with the given value. Supported formats: -rsw <string>, --referencedstartswith <string> |
i | include subdirectories in search. Supported formats: -i, --includesub |
To see a list of all assemblies and all references, just add the 'all' flag:
AsmSpy D:\Source\sutekishop\Suteki.Shop\Suteki.Shop\bin --all
To check only a single assembly provide a path to the file:
AsmSpy D:\Source\sutekishop\Suteki.Shop\Suteki.Shop\bin\Suteki.Shop.dll
To ignore system assemblies, add the 'nonsystem' flag.
The output looks something like this:
Reference: System.Runtime.Serialization by Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.XmlRpc by Microsoft.Web.Mvc by Suteki.Shop
Reference: System.Web.Mvc by Microsoft.Web.Mvc by MvcContrib by MvcContrib.FluentHtml by Suteki.Common by Suteki.Common by Suteki.Shop by Suteki.Shop
Reference: System.ServiceModel.Web by Microsoft.Web.Mvc
Reference: System.Web.Abstractions by Microsoft.Web.Mvc
You can see that System.Web.Mvc is referenced by 7 assemblies in my bin folder. Some reference version and some version I can now resolve any conflicts.
Color coding is used to more easily distinguish any problems.
- Green - referenced assembly found locally, in the specified directory
- Yellow - referenced assembly not found locally, but found installed in the Global Assembly Cache
- Red - referenced assembly missing