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Gokmax's Vim configuration

###Welcome to see my vim configuration! Below I will describe the whole features of the Gokmax's Vim.

##What is Vim? In my opinion, vim is an editor which can almostly meet all your requirements in the editing environment, which means you can edit in the style you want.

###NOW, below is a quick look of it.



  • The left part as we can see is the Window Manager. // you can type ,wm to open it in the normal mode.

  • The right part is the main environment that we works. The color style of the code is using the ranbom-scheme which is my favorite one.

  • At the bottom of the right part there is some external information which can remind us where we are when typing and what it is the time.

  • The ":!" can help you to go back to the terminal temporarily.


  • 'Ctrl + h/j/k/l' to change your cursor between the different parts.

##Why should I use it? You may say that some IDEs are strong enough to write code because of its excellent ability to build the big project which the simple editor can NOT do. Yeah, it is a main reason that sometimes I don't use it too. But, without that reason personally I think there is no reason to reject such a good editor because it can give you what you want -- the pleasant sensation of writing quick codes and the quick moves of your flexible fingers and the tap-tap of your keyboard. In addition and of course, it can improve your efficiency of your work! And that's very important.

##How to use it? If you are familiar to the vim and know the basic control of it, just skip this paragraph. But if you are new to it, the next post may help you.

##How to get it as my vim file?

  • If you don't familiar to the command-line, just download the whole file as the .zip file in the download icon in the front of this page.

  • Else if you have a git account, just type the following command in your terminal. // remember to open the folder you want before git clone it!

                git clone git://
  • Belows Are the Installation in Unix-like system.


  1. Backup your old vim configuration files:

     mv ~/.vim ~/.vim.orig
     mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.orig
  2. Clone and install this repo:

     git clone git:// ~/.vim
     ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc

##Where should I put the .vim files? (important!) This .vim files uses the map theory to save its configurations. As default, I put the .vim files in the username/home/ which can easily to enter and map it to the real configurations file which means when you change your PC of system, it will be a great convenience since you are needn't to re-configure the vim. And, this is the shining point of this .vim files. Bellow I will describe it more detailedly.

##The syntax check tools that it provides:

Languages Lint Tools Install guide
C gcc built-in
CPP g++ built-in
CoffeeScript coffee npm install -g coffeelint
CSS csslint npm install -g csslint
Erlang escript built-in
Go go built-in
Haml haml built-in
Haskell ghc-mod cabal install ghc-mod
HTML tidy built-in
Java javac built-in
Javascript jshint npm install -g jshint
Json jsonlint npm install -g jsonlint
Less lessc built-in
Lisp clisp built-in
Lua luac built-in
Perl perl built-in
PHP php built-in
Puppet puppet built-in
Python pyflakes sudo pip install pyflakes
Ruby ruby built-in
Scala scala built-in
Sass sass built-in
Scss scss/compass gem install compass
XML xmllint built-in
YAML js-yaml npm install -g js-yaml

##The shining feature of this vim file comparing to other one.

###Shining points The scripts are grouped separated with each one in a single folder, which leads to better add and remove. In addition, most of the scripts that work for specific language, such as c, will only loaded when you are writing the specific language, thus saving key mappings and accelerate the start up.


  1. clang is installed in order to use the clang completion plugin. You'd better install clang is the default path.
  2. cscope is installed. You'd better install cscope in the default path.
  3. cscope feature is enabled if you compile vim from source code.
  4. python feature should be enabled when you compile you vim

###Remarkable Features

  1. Fairly good completion method, you can almost complete everything in C and C++ with a fairly fast speed. I don't use ctags for completion any longer, instead, I use clang_complete and neocomplcache, making them working together at the same time. You can even use such complete method for the Qt library, which is quite large.

  2. Nice cross-reference look up using cscope. I replace ctags completely with cscope. Now cscope has better capability, and you can jump to and jump back just like using ctags. For more keymappings you can refer to .vim/bundle/cscope/plugin/cscope.vim

##About the this Vim ###It is the files that many people I know and I don't know who contributed to it. I get the first version from huige and develop a little of it(such as writing some functions or adding my own color-scheme). ###Hope you can enjoy the magic tours of Vim!^0^ ###sincerely, Gokmax. ###Sysu-Mstc-Lab, 2013-02-21.


personal vim configuration file






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