PSF-aware Aberration-image Restoration Transformer (PART) for Panoramic Computational Imaging Engine (PCIE)
PART is desinged for recovering high-resolution and aberration-free panoramic images from low-quality images taken by minimalist panoramic imaging systems.
The new dataset PALHQ and the codes of PART will be realeased soon.
Paper (preprint):
PCIE enables minimalist and high-quality panoramic imaging, where PART and PSF-aware mechanisms deliver better performance. Synthetic dataset:
Real dataset:
If PCIE-PART helps your research or work, please consider citing PCIE-PART.
title={Minimalist and High-Quality Panoramic Imaging with PSF-aware Transformers},
author={Qi Jiang and Shaohua Gao and Yao Gao and Kailun Yang and Zhonghua Yi and Hao Shi and Lei Sun and Kaiwei Wang},
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