Releases: AequilibraE/aequilibrae
Minor release with small bug fixes
This release supports new features being developed for QAequilibraE that will be available in its upcoming release.
Bug fixes
- fix int64 pandas conversion in transit graph builder by @germanova in #603
- Fix transit_fare_zone values by @r-akemii in #605
- Fix saving path for select link analysis outputs by @r-akemii in #611
- construct local var outside conditional by @jamiecook in #608
Software engineering changes
- Speeding up CI by @pedrocamargo in #606
- Version number for next release by @pedrocamargo in #607
New Contributors
- @germanova made their first contribution in #603
Full Changelog: v1.1.4...v1.1.5
Minor version with critical bug fix for some Windows systems
Critical changes
- Fails hard on import by @pedrocamargo in #592
- Revert "Use default wheel repair (#585)" by @Jake-Moss in #589
- Replace openmp:llvm with normal openmp, fix signed-ness errors by @Jake-Moss in #601
New Features
- Adds graph filtering by polygon by @pedrocamargo in #595
- Add path computation and network skimming directly from graph by @r-akemii in #598
Software improvements
- Set based early exit by @Jake-Moss in #581
- Better load balancing for route choice by @pedrocamargo in #590
- Build integrated AequilibraE docs by @r-akemii in #576
- Fix broken links by @r-akemii in #593
- Fix path to replace_regex in documentation workflow by @r-akemii in #594
- Modify Docs structure by @r-akemii in #597
- Modity return object by @r-akemii in #599
- Updates version for release by @pedrocamargo in #602
Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.1.4
Minor release with critical bug fix
What's Changed
- Fixes check when creating links table by @r-akemii in #586
- Use default wheel repair by @Jake-Moss in #585
- Updates version for release by @pedrocamargo in #587
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.1.3
Minor release
Minor release with a few key changes:
- Substantial performance improvements to the Route Choice module setup performance - Significantly improve graph mapping on uncompressible networks (~8x) by @Jake-Moss in #573
- New multi-threadec connectivity tester based on Depth-First-Search - Connectivity tester by @pedrocamargo in #579
Migration of network data access to Geopandas by @pedrocamargo in #570 - New centroid connector creation process by @pedrocamargo in #584
Bug and deprecation fixes:
- Fixes behaviour for graphs with no centroids by @pedrocamargo in #577
- Deprecates AequilibraEData in favor of Pandas DataFrames by @pedrocamargo in #583
- Fixes deprecation warnings by @r-akemii in #572
Other changes
- Minor adjustments by @pedrocamargo in #564
- Upload docs to merge_request_id on AWS by @r-akemii in #567
- treat catenary bus like regular bus by @jamiecook in #568
- Add property decorator to LinkTypes by @r-akemii in #571
- Renata/docs by @r-akemii in #563
- Improves OSM classifications by @pedrocamargo in #565
- Configure doctests by @r-akemii in #574
- Rename fare_zone_id column by @r-akemii in #546
- Fix possible memory error in IPF, use Cython fused type by @Jake-Moss in #580
- Pedro/messaging by @pedrocamargo in #578
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2
Minor release with the introduction of sub-area analysis for Route Choice
Introduces minor changes to increase software robustness and a key new feature: Sub-area analysis for Route Choice.
What's Changed
- Add batched disk functionality to route choice again, move coo_demand to matrix submodule, route choice bug fixes by @Jake-Moss in #554
- Documentation performance by @pedrocamargo in #559
- Create dispatch_event by @r-akemii in #561
- Fixing tarball by @pedrocamargo in #560
- Minor adjustments by @pedrocamargo in #562
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
Minor release with sub-area analysis for Route-Choice
Introduces minor changes to increase software robustness and a key new feature: Sub-area analysis for Route Choice.
What's Changed
- Add batched disk functionality to route choice again, move coo_demand to matrix submodule, route choice bug fixes by @Jake-Moss in #554
- Documentation performance by @pedrocamargo in #559
- Create dispatch_event by @r-akemii in #561
- Fixing tarball by @pedrocamargo in #560
- Minor adjustments by @pedrocamargo in #562
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
Major release with the introduction of Route Choice
Major changes
Introduction of route choice
- Multiple route choice set generation algorithms: Link Penalization (LP), Breadth-First Search on Link Elimination (BFSLE), BFSLE+LP
- Path-Size Logit for the treatment of path overlaps
New Pre-loading feature on traffic assignment
- A new method on multi-class traffic assignment that allows any pre-loading to be added to an assignment
- A new method that allows pre-loading flows on roads to be computed from a fixed-route transit system is available in the model
Minor changes and bug fixes
New IPF algorithms
- Fully parallelized
- Separate treatment of float32 inputs for increased performance
Fixes a bug arising in one special case of network simplification
Much faster and more robust map-matching algorithm for GTFS importer
Removing PyQT dependency
Complete list of changes
- [Minor] Docs: fix small typos and broken links by @TTalex in #516
- Update by @ssmith55 in #514
- Prevent deadend removal + graph compression introducing simple loops by @Jake-Moss in #517
- Bump black from 24.1.1 to 24.3.0 in /tests by @dependabot in #518
- version 1.0.2 by @pedrocamargo in #519
- Removes Pyqt5 as a dependency by @pedrocamargo in #522
- Updates documentation formatting by @r-akemii in #521
- Fixes documentation version switcher button by @r-akemii in #523
- Use flat layout default excludes to skip the test dir & Fix duplicate values in gmns mode creation by @Jake-Moss in #524
- Refactors transit map-matching by @pedrocamargo in #529
- Fixes Coquimbo GTFS file by @r-akemii in #530
- Modifies links selected for discount in GTFS by @r-akemii in #533
- Modifies obligation of calendar file by @r-akemii in #534
- Adds google analytics setup by @pedrocamargo in #537
- Route choice by @pedrocamargo in #531
- MC Traffic Assignment Test PCE Bug by @mitsudz in #543
- IPF performance by @pedrocamargo in #542
- Fixes SciPy deprecation by @pedrocamargo in #549
- Removes pyqt dependency and adds some progress bars by @pedrocamargo in #520
- PT preloading implementation by @mitsudz in #525
- Bringing back #464 after #506 overwritten it by @Art-Ev in #551
- Route choice refactor by @Jake-Moss in #547
- Bumps up version for next major release by @pedrocamargo in #552
New Contributors
- @TTalex made their first contribution in #516
- @ssmith55 made their first contribution in #514
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #518
- @mitsudz made their first contribution in #543
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0
Minor release with bug fixing and performance improvements
Major changes
Substantial performance improvements when skimming/assigning using cadastral networks, due to further network simplification based on the removal of dead-ends. Roughly 13% speed improvements in large networks
- Dead-end removal by @Jake-Moss in #494
Improvements in the OSM importer. Now capable of importing much larger areas and limiting them to polygons instead of bounding boxes
- OSM importer speedup by @pedrocamargo in #506
- Changes OSM downloader to accept a polygon instead of a bounding box by @pedrocamargo in #495
Minor changes
- Messaging issue by @pedrocamargo in #489
- Include LICENSE.TXT in wheel and source distributions by @Jake-Moss in #487
- Pedro/tinkering by @pedrocamargo in #491
- new matrix API by @pedrocamargo in #496
- Update GMNS urls by @Jake-Moss in #499
- Select link cwf bfw bug by @Jake-Moss in #500
- Fix typo, used wrong matrix by @Jake-Moss in #503
- Fix minor typos by @jamiecook in #505
- Improves dependencies by @pedrocamargo in #507
- Simply bumping up the version for the next release by @pedrocamargo in #512
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
Major milestone with public transport assignment
Major changes
- Feature pu t assignment by @pedrocamargo in #486
Fixes and minor improvements
- removes use of necessary sqlite3 connection cursors and cached connections by @pedrocamargo in #478
- Cleans non-needed code by @pedrocamargo in #482
- Adds support page by @pedrocamargo in #481
- Path computation on models with no centroids by @pedrocamargo in #472
- Better network skimming and path computation headers and typo fix by @Jake-Moss in #474
- fixes export of omx matrices by @pedrocamargo in #484
Full Changelog: v0.9.5...v1.0.0
New version release with new Path-finding capabilities
What's Changed
- Early exit Dijsktra's with path reuse by @Jake-Moss in #466
- Adds support for Python 3.12 by @pedrocamargo in #453
- New A* algorithm by @Jake-Moss in #467
Full Changelog: v0.9.4...v0.9.5