This is a simple Implemenation of OpenAI API Wrapper, which is based on FastAPI and Consul(As SRSD(Service Register and Service Discovery)).
The main purpose of this project is to provide a simple openai-protocol server to wrap other models or api to OpenAI style API.
Fistly, you need to install the requirements, and configure the host and port of consul in the env.yaml file. Then, You can run several workers to provide services for the api.
python3 host port is a simple proxy worker of openai-api. Or, you can implement your own generator hosting your model or wrapping other api, and run the like this:
python3 host port generators.XXX.XxxGen
At last, start the openai procotol server, through this server, you can use your models or apis just like OpenAI.
python3 wrapper-server-host wrapper-server-port
openai.api_base = "http://wrapper-server-host:wrapper-server-port/v1"
openai.api_key = '******'
- /v1/chat/completions
- /v1/completions
- /v1/embeddings
Svc-Mgr(Service Management) component store the mapping relation among model(s), service(svc) and worker_address(work_addr)
When launching the worker server, model(s), svc name and work_addr will registered into Svc-Mrg.
When calling the wrapper server by OpenAI package, server will find the corresponding svc and work_addr(service discovery and load balance) by Svc-Mgr.