[IJCAI 2023] Official code for Open-world Semi-supervised Novel Class Discovery (OpenNCD)
Open-world scenario:
- Unseen novel classes mixed in unlabeled data in semi-supervised learning
Our tasks:
- Recognize the known classes
- Discover the novel classes
- Estimate the number of the novel classes
Please refer to requirements.txt.
We use the unsupervised SimCLR for pretraining. The pretrained resnet-18 models can be found here (same as orca). Please unzip them to './pretrained'.
- If the number of novel classes is pre-known, spectral clustering will be used for prototype grouping.
- To train on CIFAR-10 with 10% labeled data in known class data, run
python main.py --dataset cifar10 --labeled_num 5 --labeled_ratio 0.1 --save_log
- If the number of the novel class is unknown, ['propagation', 'connected', 'louvain'] can be used for prototype grouping and class number estimation, where ['louvain'] performs best in our experiments.
- To train on CIFAR-10 without a pre-defined number of classes, run
python main.py --dataset cifar10 --labeled_num 5 --labeled_ratio 0.1 --group_method louvain --unknown_n_cls --save_log
2023.8.25 Fix the bug when training with the known number of class
2023.8.10 Update main.py in the class number estimation part (--unknown_n_cls)
- Implement an adaptive range for EPS searching to facilitate progressive grouping
- Set the value of l_cls to 0 at the grouping stage to avoid over-fitting
Thanks for the excellent repositories orca and GCD.
If you find our code useful, please consider citing:
title = {Open-world Semi-supervised Novel Class Discovery},
author = {Liu, Jiaming and Wang, Yangqiming and Zhang, Tongze and Fan, Yulu and Yang, Qinli and Shao, Junming},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-23}},
publisher = {International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization},
pages = {4002--4010},
year = {2023},
month = {8},
note = {Main Track},
doi = {10.24963/ijcai.2023/445},