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Installation ‐ Docker

babsonnexus edited this page Feb 8, 2025 · 1 revision

If you are not using OliveTin/Project One-Click, it is recommended to install via Stack using Portainer (Docker Desktop | Docker Standalone). Otherwise, you can use the single command line method as shown below.

Stack (Docker Compose)

    container_name: slm
      - "${SLM_PORT:-5000}:5000"
      - ${SLM_HOST_FOLDER:-slm_files}:/app/program_files
      - ${CHANNELS_FOLDER}:/app/channels_folder
      - TZ=${TIMEZONE:-UTC}
    restart: unless-stopped


Environment variables are included, some required, some optional.


  • TAG | OPTIONAL | Which version of the program you want. The default is "latest" if you do not add.

  • SLM_PORT | OPTIONAL | The port you want to access the program from in the web browser. The default is "5000" if you do not add.

  • CHANNELS_FOLDER | REQUIRED | The path to your Channels DVR parent directory (see details in Startup below), i.e., /usr/lib/channels-dvr. You could optionally put in any parent path, so long as the Channels DVR path is accessible somewhere inside. Do know that spaces are fine and you do not have to enclose the path in quotes. In Windows, your slashes should go the opposite of the normal way, i.e., C:/Files/Media/Channels DVR. In MacOS, be sure to include your /Volumes first, i.e., /Volumes/external-hdd/Channels DVR. Be careful not to put extra characters as your system may then create that directory anyway. In other words, there will be no error as the directory exists, but it is not set to where you want it to be. NOTE: If you are not a Channels DVR user, you can set this to any directory as a placeholder.

  • SLM_HOST_FOLDER | OPTIONAL | The path on your local host machine where you would like the program files for Streaming Library Manager to reside. As will be discussed in more detail later, these are the files that the application uses to manage the entire solution. The software itself can be replaced at any time, but these files have all of your settings, bookmarks, etc.... As such, you may desire to have them available on your local machine that is hosting Docker in order to back them up. If you do not add this, it will be set to slm_files inside the Volumes area of Docker Desktop itself.

  • TIMEZONE | OPTIONAL | The timezone you want to use. To know what to input, go here, find your timezone, make sure it is a "Canonical" Type, and use the "TZ identifier". The default is "UTC" if you do not add. Please keep this in mind when using the scheduler function.

Command Line

Follow the directions above for SLM_PORT in place of [YOUR_PORT_HERE] (except now it is REQUIRED), CHANNELS_FOLDER in place of [PATH_TO_CHANNELS_FOLDER], SLM_HOST_FOLDER in place of [PATH_TO_HOST_SLM_FOLDER] (except now it is required, too, but you can put in the default value of slm_files), and TIMEZONE in place of [TIMEZONE]. Do not leave the [ and ] when putting in your values.

Most Cases

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --name slm -p [YOUR_PORT_HERE]:5000 -v [PATH_TO_HOST_SLM_FOLDER]:/app/program_files -v "[PATH_TO_CHANNELS_FOLDER]":/app/channels_folder -e TZ="[TIMEZONE]"

Some Linux Cases

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --name slm --network=host -e SLM_PORT=[YOUR_PORT_HERE] -v [PATH_TO_HOST_SLM_FOLDER]:/app/program_files -v "[PATH_TO_CHANNELS_FOLDER]":/app/channels_folder -e TZ="[TIMEZONE]"


docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --name slm -p 7900:5000 -v "C:/Temp/SLM Host Test":/app/program_files -v "C:/Files/Media/Channels DVR":/app/channels_folder -e TZ="America/New_York"
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --name slm --network=host -e SLM_PORT=7900 -v slm_files:/app/program_files -v "/somewhere/channels_dvr":/app/channels_folder -e TZ="America/New_York"
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