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Console commands

Ben Bartlett edited this page Jun 14, 2018 · 1 revision

Overmind is a nearly autonomous AI, but you can interact with it in two main ways: by placing directives and by issuing commands to the console. Here is a list of current commands available for use in the console. This list might not always be kept up-to-date, but at any time, you can type help to display a list of commands.

Command / arguments Description
help display a list of commands
setSignature(newSignature) set your controller signature
print(...args[]) log stringified objects to the console
setLogLevel(int) set the logging level from 0 - 4
openRoomPlanner(roomName) open the room planner for a room
closeRoomPlanner(roomName) close the room planner and save changes
cancelRoomPlanner(roomName) close the room planner and discard changes
listActiveRoomPlanners() display a list of colonies with open room planners
destroyAllHostileStructures(roomName) destroys all hostile structures in an owned room
destroyAllBarriers(roomName) destroys all ramparts and barriers in a room
listAllDirectives() print type, name, pos of every directive
listPersistentDirectives() print type, name, pos of every persistent directive
deepCleanMemory() deletes all non-critical portions of memory (be careful!)
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