Releases: bibledit/linux
Bibledit client for Linux 5.1.019
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.019.tar.gz
What is new:
Disable std::filesystem due to erratic behaviour.
Bibledit client for Linux 5.1.018
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.018.tar.gz
What is new:
Internal changes only, no visible changes.
Bibledit client for Linux 5.1.017
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.017.tar.gz
What is new:
Internal changes only, no visible changes.
Bibledit client for Linux 5.1.016
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.016.tar.gz
What is new:
5.1.016: Client upgrade to MbedTLS 3.6.
5.1.013: Can enable or disable spell check in Bible editors.
5.1.013: Fix broken Javascript in rare cases, fixing a broken verse editor.
5.1.012: Localize the recently used styles.
5.1.010: Can remove a Bible with trailing spaces in its name.
5.1.010: Support for USFM marker \sup for superscript text.
5.1.007: Outputs a blank line for the \b style for Web export.
5.1.007: Outputs the chapter number also for one-chapter books.
5.1.006: The start of a line of poetry no longer overlaps a chapter number in drop caps in web export.
Bibledit client for Linux 5.1.005
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.005.tar.gz.
What is new:
5.1.003: Marks USFM table cells with a vertical bar in the Bible editors.
5.1.002: Can display the OSIS tags, like Strong's numbers, in the SWORD resources.
5.1.002: Support for the new Studylight website so it displays the Studylight resources again.
5.0.997: Fixed: The French user interface gives Javascript errors in the Bible editors.
5.0.996: If the secure webserver is not running in Bibledit Cloud, then it never automatically forwards from plain http to the secure https, even if this automatic forwarding setting is on.
5.0.994: Being able to set a stylesheet for a Bible is now a privilege that can be assigned to roles lower than a manager.
5.0.993: Displays the Easy English Bible Commentary lots better.
Bibledit client for Linux 5.0.992
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.0.992.tar.gz.
What is new:
5.0.992: Embedded libtidy fixes crash in the system-provided libtidy.
5.0.991: Temporal work-around for crash in the libtidy HTML/XML syntax checker and reformatter: No longer displays the Easy English Bible well.
Bibledit for Linux 990
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.0.990.tar.gz.
What's new:
5.0.990: Space below the focused verse in the verse editor now has no visible height anymore.
5.0.989: Clarify code 426 in the Journal to mean that the client should upgrade to https when connecting to the Cloud.
5.0.988: Can set the paragraph style for the \fig marker for Bible figures.
5.0.988: Client downloads list of comparative resources from Cloud and can select from those.
5.0.988: Better checking on internet address, port number, and credentials, when connecting to the Cloud.
5.0.987: The number prefixed to the filenames of the exported books of a Bible now depends on the book order set for that Bible.
5.0.986: Disable autocorrect and autocapitalize for username and search entries.
5.0.984: Fixed: Bible editors did not use the selected font.
5.0.984: Sub-pages from Settings in basic mode have a back arrow to return to the Settings.
5.0.984: Can select active Bible on search pages.
5.0.984: Removes word-level attributes in the editor preview.
5.0.984: Removes word-level attributes when exporting a Bible.
5.0.981: Can set from which Bibles to get the change notifications.
Bibledit for Linux 5.0.983
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.0.983.tar.gz.
What's new:
5.0.980: Can copy data from Bibledit to Paratext and vice versa.
5.0.980: Bibledit for Windows downloads exported USFM files, instead of viewing them.
5.0.980: Fixed: Prints only the first page of the search results.
5.0.980: Can read and set numeric value of color of a style in the styles editor.
5.0.980: The Bible editor preview scrolls to the focused verse.
5.0.979: Fixed: Clicking the button to create a note several times results in multiple identical notes.
5.0.979: Can set the date format in consultation notes.
5.0.979: Can set automatic note citations in export to OpenDocument.
5.0.979: Note citations in Bible editor follow settings in stylesheet.
5.0.979: Check on space before final note or cross reference markup.
5.0.979: Advanced search results can be limited to Old or New Testament books.
5.0.978: Fixed: Rich divider cannot go to website at link within workspace.
5.0.978: Fixed: Cannot view exported files.
Bibledit for Linux 5.0.977
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.0.977.tar.gz.
What's new:
Can only do zipped exports on the Cloud edition.
Better placement of cursor after pasting text in the notes editor.
Better handling of pasted text in the Bible editors.
The three Bible editors collapse multiple spaces into one space.
Includes the Easy English Bible Commentary as a resource.
Does not cache resources during Cloudflare DDoS protection.
Fix editable clipboard in the Bible editors.
Well-formed USFM check on note or cross reference without content.
Well-formed USFM check on opening markup followed by closing markup without text.
Fixed: Clicking a passage in a checking result goes to the beginning of the Bible.
USFM check on the \fig markup.
All editing anomaly emails now display the book and chapter.
Keep the navigation history for two weeks.
A long press on the arrows for going back and going forward brings up the history menu.
Can left-align verse numbers in poetry in exports to OpenDocument.
Better spacing while inserting footnotes and cross references.
Support for the USFM fig markup in export to html and OpenDocument.
On going to another verse the Resources page always scrolls to the top position.
The Bible settings is now the location where to set the stylesheet for export.
All emails about a merge conflict now detail the book and chapter number.
Bigger fonts for the Bible text in the merge irregularity email.
Can enable or disable automatic daily check per Bible.
Clearer links for dismissing change notifications.
Fetches web-based Bibles from new GBS website.
Bibledit for Linux 5.0.959
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.0.959.tar.gz.
What's new:
Support for the USFM fig markup in export to html and OpenDocument
On going to another verse the Resources page always scrolls to the top position.
The Bible settings is now the location where to set the stylesheet for export.
All emails about a merge conflict now detail the book and chapter number.
Bigger fonts for the Bible text in the merge irregularity email.
Clearer links for dismissing change notifications.
Fetches web-based Bibles from new GBS website.
Entry of workspace width defaults to using percents, not pixels.
Passage history buttons available in basic mode.
Html export with footnotes showing on hover.