Bibledit for Linux 5.0.983
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.0.983.tar.gz.
What's new:
5.0.980: Can copy data from Bibledit to Paratext and vice versa.
5.0.980: Bibledit for Windows downloads exported USFM files, instead of viewing them.
5.0.980: Fixed: Prints only the first page of the search results.
5.0.980: Can read and set numeric value of color of a style in the styles editor.
5.0.980: The Bible editor preview scrolls to the focused verse.
5.0.979: Fixed: Clicking the button to create a note several times results in multiple identical notes.
5.0.979: Can set the date format in consultation notes.
5.0.979: Can set automatic note citations in export to OpenDocument.
5.0.979: Note citations in Bible editor follow settings in stylesheet.
5.0.979: Check on space before final note or cross reference markup.
5.0.979: Advanced search results can be limited to Old or New Testament books.
5.0.978: Fixed: Rich divider cannot go to website at link within workspace.
5.0.978: Fixed: Cannot view exported files.