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This page describes commonly used git
To pull the latest changes:
$ git pull
To checkout an existing branch:
$ git checkout <branch>
To create a new branch from HEAD:
$ git checkout -b <branch>
To create a tracking branch:
$ git checkout -b <branch> <repository>/<branch>
To configure the current branch to track a remote branch:
$ git branch -u <repository>/<branch>
To delete a remote branch:
$ git push <repository> --delete <branch>
To compare files from different branches with GUI tool:
$ git config --global diff.tool meld $ git difftool <branch1>:<file1> <branch2>:<file2>
To list recently modified branches:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ | less
To stash uncommitted changes:
$ git stash
To list stash entries:
$ git stash list
To show the stash content:
$ git stash show -p <stash ID>
To restore uncommitted changes:
$ git stash pop
To create an empty commit:
$ git commit --allow-empty
To amend the changes:
$ git commit --amend --no-edit
To amend the author:
$ git commit --amend --author="Author Name <[email protected]>" --no-edit
To amend the date:
$ git commit --amend --date="$(date -R)" --no-edit
To cherry-pick all new changes in a branch into master:
$ git checkout master $ git cherry-pick master..mybranch
To checkout a file from another branch
$ git checkout <branch> <path>
To generate a patch file for the last commit:
$ git format-patch -1
To generate a patch file for a specific commit:
$ git format-patch -1 <commit>
To generate patch files for each commit since a tag:
$ git format-patch <tag>
To generate a single patch file for all commits since a tag:
$ git format-patch --stdout <tag> > <patch>
To apply a patch:
$ git am <path to patch>
If it fails due to conflict, try 3-way merge:
$ git am -3
If it still fails, check the failed files with the following command:
$ git status
Fix the file manually, then add the fixed file:
$ git add <path to file>
Then continue the commit:
$ git am --continue
Confirm the commit with the following command:
$ git log
To push a local branch to a remote repository:
$ git push <repo> <local branch>
To push a local branch to a remote repository with a different name:
$ git push <repo> <local branch>:<remote branch>
To list tags:
$ git tag
To list tag messages:
$ git tag -l -n1
To create a tag:
$ git tag <name> [<branch/commit>] [-m "<message>"]
To push a tag:
$ git push origin <name>
To fetch tags:
$ git fetch --tags
To delete a tag:
$ git tag -d <name>
To delete a remote tag:
$ git push --delete origin <name>
To create a tarball:
$ git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix <prefix>/ -o <output> <commit>
To verify the tarball:
$ tar tvf <output>
To view one-line logs:
$ git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --no-decorate
To view one-line logs since a certain tag:
$ git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --no-decorate v10.5.6..DOGTAG_10_5_BRANCH
$ git clean -dxf
$ git clone --mirror <old URL> $ cd <repo> $ git remote add new-origin <new URL> $ git push new-origin --mirror
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