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KRA Symmetric Key REST API Design
factory URL to create archival requests
input is xml or json containing the following fields:
Envelope is SecurityData
clientID=<string client id> - client specified string id for this piece of data. The client may end up searching on this string.
transWrappedSessionKey=<url encoded wrapped key> - This client generated session key will be wrapped with the KRA’s transport cert.
wrappedPrivateData=<url encode wrapped key/passphrase> - This is the actual security data encrypted by the created symmetric key.
dataType=<type of data> - String representation of the type of data, "symmetricKey", "passPhrase" or "AsymmetricKey" (for client convenience)
Note: We do not care about ECC at this stage. Our proposed RSA transport key wrapping scheme should work just fine even if we want to archive an ECC key itself. The scenario that we have to worry about down the road is when we do actual ECC wrapping instead of RSA. The wrap symmetric key with transport public key thing would not be available to us and a different approach would be needed. But this is not likely to be an issue for a long time.
output is xml/json with the following fields:
status=201 (Created)
keyURL = https://hostname/pki/key/$key_id
status = 307 - Temporary Redirect to authentication page if no client cert provided.
status = 401 - Unauthorized (if authorization fails
status = 500 - server errors
include an error string (error="") for error conditions as needed, such as processing errors in creating request, errors in processing request
authenticates the agent issuing the request. Agent must provide a client cert.
checks authorization of the request based on an acl for this operation "certServer.kra.archive.request (submit)". Submit allowed for KRA agents.
audit all operations/auth/authz
Get the KRA request queue and generate a new Request object.
req = queue.newRequest(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_ENROLLMENT_REQUEST → security_data_enrollment)
using req.setExtData(): set the fields as follows
requestType: IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_ENROLLMENT_REQUEST → security_data_enrollment
extdata-drm_trans_des_key: transWrappedSessionKey
extdata-requestid: not set - generated by newRequest() call.
ext-data-keyrecord: not set - stored by server when key is stored
ext-data-keysize: not set
extdata-wrappeduserprivate: wrappedPrivateData
dataType: dataType
clientID: clientID
Get the request ID
reqID = req.getRequestID().toString(). This will be returned.
Immediately Process the request
queue.processRequest(req) - This results in a state engine setting the request to "approved", and the code calling the relevant serviceRequest() method in SecurityDataArchivalService. As a result of this, the key will be archived and the key_id will be updated in the request record.
Get the key_id from the request record:
keyId = req.getExtData(key_id)
construct the urls to be returned - and return relevant status.
Input will be xml or json
clientID=<value> - Optional way to locate the key to be recovered. (first option)
serialNumber=<value> - Optional way to locate the key to be recovered. (second option)
output is xml/json with the following fields:
status=201 (Created)
keyURL = https://hostname/pki/key/$key_id
status = 307 - Temporary Redirect to authentication page if no client cert provided.
status = 401 - Unauthorized (if authorization fails
status = 410 - Gone. Key does not exist.
status = 500 - server errors
include an error string (error="") for error conditions as needed, such as processing errors in creating request, errors in processing request
authenticates the agent issuing the request. Agent must provide a client cert.
checks authorization of the request based on an acl for this operation "certServer.kra.recover.request (submit)". Submit allowed for KRA agents.
Get the KRA request queue and generate a new Recovery Request object.
req = queue.newRequest(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_RECOVERY → security_data_recovery)
using req.setExtData(): set the fields as follows:
clientID = clientID
extdata-serialnumber = serialNumber
userid of agent creating recovery request
extdata-requestID = not set, generated by newRequest() command
extdata-approvingagents = agent
call queue.processRequest(req)
If nAgents is set to 1, then the request is set in the approved state. Currently, this is set by a global in CS.cfg: kra.noOfRequiredRecoveryAgents=1 which is used for the asynchronous recovery mechanism for asymmetric keys. We may want something more fine grained to allow symmetric keys and passphrases to be treated differently from asymmetric keys, for instance.
key record is looked up and ID is stored in the recovery request record.
Get the request ID
reqID = req.getRequestID().toString(). This will be returned in the response.
Get the key ID
keyID= req.getExtData(key_id)
Construct URLs to be returned, and return relevant status.
Need to think about nonces or other CSRF-foiling mechanism.
Input will be xml or json
requestID=<value> - ID of recovery request
transWrappedSessionKey=<url encoded wrapped key> - This client generated session key wrapped with the KRA’s transport cert.
output is xml/json
status: 200
self referential URL ?
wrappedPrivateData=<url encoded wrapped key/passphrase> - This is the returned actual security data archived in the chosen record.
status = 307 - Temporary Redirect to authentication page if no client cert provided.
status = 401 - Unauthorized (if authorization fails)
status = 401 - Unauthorized (if request originator != agent getting key)
status = 401 - Unauthorized (if request is not in approved state)
status = 410 - Gone. Recovery request does not exist.
status = 410 - Gone. Key does not exist.
status = 500 - server errors
include an error string (error="") for error conditions as needed, such as processing errors in creating request, errors in processing request
authenticates the agent issuing the request. Agent must provide a client cert.
checks authorization of the request based on an acl for this operation "certServer.kra.recover.key (read)". Read allowed for KRA agents.
Get the KRA request and confirm that the request exists and that the originator = agent
Confirm that request is in approved state.
Get keyID from request.
retrieve wrappedKey = getWrappedKey(req, transWrappedSessionKey)
return wrapped key.
We could specify just a search string here, or we could provide specific optional fields that could be filled with patterns
Example of fields: clientID, status (active/inactive/all), keyID
We would expect IPA to do queries like clientID=foo & status=active
Need to ensure there is no sql-like injection here
status 200, 204 (if not keys match criteria)
URLs and some basic information for keys matching search criteria, such as:
URL for key
client ID for key
status of key
status = 307 - Temporary Redirect to authentication page if no client cert provided.
status = 401 - Unauthorized (if authorization fails)
status = 500 - server errors
include an error string (error="") for error conditions as needed, such as errors in doing search or processing search criteria
authenticates the agent issuing the request. Agent must provide a client cert.
checks authorization of the request based on an acl for this operation "certServer.kra.list.key (read)?". Read allowed for KRA agents.
search the database for relevant keys, based on search criteria. Get clientID and status.
Generate urls for response.
status = 307 - Temporary Redirect to authentication page if no client cert provided.
status = 401 - Unauthorized (if authorization fails)
status = 410 - Gone (if key does not exist)
status = 500 - server errors
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