Releases: f5devcentral/vscode-f5
latest corkscrew functionality that includes getting pool configs when referenced by local traffic policy
corkscrew beta...
v2.5.1-beta - latest corkscrew integration including configs from all partitions, local ucs/qkview extration, progress bars and stats
v2.5.0-beta - includes other fixes for fast templates, onConnect, and latest corkscrew (removed)
v.2.4.1-beta - fixed virtual servers definition in app extraction (added "ltm virtual" to beginning of each object) (removed)
v.2.4.0-beta - initial corkscrew integration (removed)
[2.2.0] - (8-21-2020)
- tcl/iRule/iApp functionality
- create/modify/delete irules
- upload/import/create/modify/delete iApp templates
- Also shows deployed iApp-Apps
- included options for redeploying iApp-App with current paramters and deleting an iApp-App
- Also shows deployed iApp-Apps
can be used to merge ANY TMOS config item
- extension now has dynamic config-settings changes, meaning, when an extension setting is changed, it is applied to extension without reload of workspace
[2.1.0] - (8-5-2020)
- Make HTTP/S Requests function provides the necessary flexbility to make any API call to ANYthing (mostly...)
- Highlight text, right-click, select:
Make HTTPS Request
- support raw URL, json and yaml structures
- Added the ability to make any api call to connected f5 (will utilized other known device details like: host/port/user/password/token/headers)
- Also accepts enough parameters to craft an external API for any destination
- Includes connection status pop up and error handling like other api calls in the extension
- Documented usage and examples:
- Highlight text, right-click, select:
- Added nodejs nock for api tests
- Started refactoring device mgmt functions for automated testing
- Device Add/Remove
- allowing entry/command functions to take parameters that would normally be collected from the user by some sort of input, like a click or input/select box
[2.0.1] - (7-28-2020)
- Function to migration legacy devices config to new devices config
[2.0.0] - (7-28-2020)
- ATC rpm install/un-install/upgrade
- will download and cache rpm from official github repo
- Also right click rpm in folder to install
- cache is located in %USERPROFILE%.vscode\extensions%extensionInstall%\atc_ilx_rpm_cache
- json <-> yaml conversion (highlight -> right-click)
- base64 encode/decode (highlight -> right-click)
- right-click template/folder in explorer view to upload FAST template/template Set
- Added 'F5-FAST -> Connect!' status bar to provide another way to connect
- This is especially useful when working in a repo, which is outside the main F5-Fast extension view
- Added options for posting AS3/DO/TS declarations (highlight declaration in editor -> right-click)
- support for remote authentication via logonProvider
- Updated config structure (what stores devices details)
- Includes right-click option on device to update logonProvider
- This provides a list of default options for BIGIP and an option to provide a custom provider for BIGIQ
- Also added function to show configured logon provider (right-click device in list)
- Combined AS3 Tenant and Tasks views
- This should provider a cleaner and more efficient interface
- Now showing number of configured tenants and tasks
- Updated FAST view
- Now includes item counts
- This also resulted in more efficient data storage and retrieval
- Provided feedback and cancellation when connecting to devices
- including better feedback of auth errors and network timeout/errors
- Updated examples to include DO github examples
- Added placeholder for AS3 and linked to AS3 repo issue with pending "examples" folder
- Auth token now utilized for entire token lifetime
- Drastically cut down on network traffic constantly refreshing token for major different functions throughout extension
- Added configuration option to show token life countdown in status bar (disabled by default)
- If token does expire, next http call will refresh it as needed
Created a git repo for documenting the building of fast templates and a bunch of other things for demo'ing the extension
Should cover most prominent F5 (A)utomated (T)ool(C)hain workflows (FAST/AS3/DO/TS)
- Host/F5/Device mgmt including add/modify/delete
- service discovery for installed ATC services
- password caching
- execute bash/tmsh command on device
- FAST functionality and visibility
- single template upload
- template set upload
- deploy fast app
- fast tree view
- view/delete deployed apps
- view tasks
- view/delete template
- view/delete template set
- fast snippet of example template
- AS3 visibility with app deploy, inspect/delete
- DO view/modify/post device declartion
- code snippets to provide basic as3/do/ts examples
- automatic schema validation with (.as3.json/.do.json/*.ts.json) files
- example DO/TS declarations straight from official F5 github repos
- DO
- AS3 - PENDING AS3 examples release
Added warning when posting syncronous DO dec that async is highly recommended
Defined file types for the different ATC services (as3/do/ts) to provide auto schema validation
- This happend with files from a defined workspace, like opening a folder
- *.as3.json - will auto reference the latest online as3 schema
- *.do.json - will auto reference the latest online do schema
- *.ts.json - will auto reference the latest online ts schema
Added following right click on as3 tenant options
- show=full
- show=expanded
Setup progress bar for issueBase, getTSDec, postTSDec, getDoDec, doInspect, doTasks, deleteAS3Tenant, getAS3Task
Created webview output for re-usable window
- in developement - enable in settings under, 'previewResponseInUntitledDocument'
- The webview is easily re-usable, to keep opening a new tab for every call, but they don't allow the user to modify and repost like the regular json output
Settings key for seconds between async Task status updates
- f5.asyncInterval - default = 5 (seconds)
- More work to allow port specification on device item: [email protected]:8443
- Added more feedback (warning pop up) for failed api calls
- Documentation on client side logging and BIG-IQ usage
- Now allowing all http responses so it would show more information about failing declarations
- Was only allowing 200/201/202/404/422
- This was to allow for more robust error handling for async post operations
- Updated password prompt to provide more clarity of what is expected
- Refined conditions that clear cached passwords
- Auto-refresh AS3 trees after tenant delete or declaration post
- includes a slight pause to let processing complete before refresh
- AS3 async post
- Settings boolean enabled by default, to default all as3 posts to async
- Provides "progress bar" with details about dec post status
- DO async post