Materialize v0.3
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[v0.3] - 2018-01-09
Paste Images on Linux
- You can copy a file in your file browser (Tested with nautilus) and then press the "P" close to the slot you want to paste.
- Highlight - You can also press copy image on browser and it will paste also. This make it fast to take a image from internet
Hide Gui while Rotating / Panning
- The GUI is hidden when panning/rotating the material plane.
Big Clean-Up
- Cleaned all original files, they are now easier to read.
- Some files where not needed and got deleted.
Minor changes
- Changed to Unity 2018.3.3f1
- Fix Enter Behaviour;
- Fix Edge Map Initialization.
- Fix mess with commas and dots in text fields, now you can use what you want.
- Fix Paste in stand-alone;
- Other Fixes;
Known Issues
- Quick-save is not implemented yet