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Johan Pouwelse edited this page Dec 17, 2019 · 3 revisions

Tribler: fixing our broken Internet

An alternative to the misinformation of Youtube, their greed and continuous attention grabbing.

Youtube D.Tube Tribler
HD streaming ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
artificial intelligence ✔️ ✔️
earn tokens ✔️ ✔️
fully decentralized ✔️
non-profit ✔️
TOR-like privacy ✔️
ALL money to artists ✔️

Tribler Search V7.0

Our ambition is to fix the Internet by showing there is an alternative for huge profit-driven companies. We replace the core of the streaming and music industry with collaborative software. All the money will go to artists. The goal is to create an AI bot that provides a platform service and in principle could replace the central services offered by Facebook, Uber, and Amazon.

Tribler shows that the video and music industry can be remade around core European values such as: sharing, openness, trust, and cooperation. Tribler aims to offer an alternative to competition, patents, litigation, and wealth extraction. We are going to "disrupt the disrupters".

The requirements for our platform AI bot are to provide: personal data storage, secure information processing and respecting privacy. In prior work we create a self-replicating software robot with reinforcement learning capability. Our existing bot can self-replicate by fully automatically buying servers using Bitcoin and protect privacy by buying VPN services. The current bot can operate on our decentralised exchange and has a primitive understanding of pricing and orderbooks. It requires Bitcoins to stay alive. It is meticulously designed to be suitable as a permissionless compute service for non-violent uprising. This work started in 2016 and coming years we will evolve this work future.

Tribler is a Bittorrent-compatible alternative to Youtube. But it's still a work in progress. It is designed to protect your privacy, build a web-of-trust, be attack-resilient, and reward content creators directly. We are building a micro-economy without banks, without advertisers, and without any government. Together with Harvard University, the Tribler team deployed one of the first fully distThe goal is to create an AI bot that provides a platform service and in principle could replace the central services offered by Facebook, Uber, and Amazon. ributed ledgers in August 2007, see BBC News coverge and a New Scientist article. In coming years we will further expand our micro-economy based on bandwidth tokens. We aim to become the key place where audiences find their torrents, creative talents get discovered, and artists get financial rewards from their fans. Tribler is the place where 100 percent of the money goes to artists and the people that run the infrastructure