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Role: Tribler Master

Andrei Andreev edited this page Sep 29, 2021 · 1 revision

Responsibilities (in priority order):

  1. Checking Sentry
  2. Fixing Bugs
  3. Tribler Master is responsible for unassigned PR from users.

Duration: 1 week Participants: the dev team

Checking Sentry

Tribler Master has to create issues in GitHub based on issues from the Sentry. Only significant issues should be created.

Fixing Bugs

Tribler Master has to fix a bug in the corresponding order:

  1. All bugs from a current milestone, assigned to him
  2. Any bugs from a current milestone
  3. Any bugs from a backlog

Tribler Master should fix bugs to the detriment of current features.

Unassigned PR from users

Tribler Master has to review a PR from a user or assign the PR to someone in the team.