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Web conference notes, 2022.05.12 (MDS Working Group)
Michael Schnuerle edited this page May 18, 2022
10 revisions
MDS Working Group
- Every other Thursday at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET
Zoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAscOmhpjIuHNakPx6CNbACpjUjw1Gsucr4
One tap mobile: +19294362866,,84170989462#,,,,*612987# US (New York) - though we encourage Zoom
Note: Attendees register upon entry into the Zoom meeting. An attendee count will be posted here after the meeting:
22 attendees
Main Topics
- Kickoff - Sebastien Berthaud, Blue Systems (5 mins)
- Task Force Updates (5 mins)
- Passenger Services Pull Request - feedback from agencies getting taxi/TNC data now - does it meet your needs?
- Delivery Robots Mode - Blue Systems, Kiwibot are working on draft - feedback on Issue from other agencies/operators welcome
- Vehicle heartbeat - location in spec, duration
Consensus on common policy rules
- Populus and Blue systems agree to update to new rules, consensus in 2.0. Ride Report and Vianova?
Required implementations of common rules would be more concrete
- Define constrained guidelines, preferred methods, rules for main use cases
- list of common use cases, get buy-in with main companies
WGSC Meeting Organizers
- Host: Sebastien Berthaud, Blue Systems
- Facilitator: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
- Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
- Note taker: Liang Tian, SANDAG
- Feedback on Passenger Services Pull Request - from agencies getting taxi/TNC data now - does it meet your needs?
- Chime in on consensus for common policy rules
Welcome and kick-off from Sebastien
New member introduction
- Jeff Hanft - recently joined Lacuna
Housekeeping items from Sebastien OMF related updates from Michael
- CDS blog on first release 1.0
- Hired 2nd Executive Director, will be announced soon by end of May
Passenger Services pull request
- Integrate passenger services into MDS spec
- Great commenting from the taxi data they already getting in San Francisco
- Wait to hear feedback from other cities
- Survey summary -- more than a dozen cities responded including San Diego
- Request team to leave comments...
- Marie - added feedback from SF (Alex), added to trip meta data, not quite done with that yet, structure to mapping, need more city to participate
- Marie to post mapping categories
- Alex Demisch, driver information is tricky and we'll have to make an explicit decision to include/not include
Delivery robots
- No additional comments for this topic
Vehicle heartbeat
- Jean - list pros /cons, are there additional pros/cons, once collect more feedback, considering which ones fit our needs better, and easy to implement
- Would like to discuss more broadly, then drill down to details
- Michael will assign to task force/working groups to work on it
- Jay Williams (Bird) - vehicle already has current location, not entirely clear on difference between map and heartbeat.
- Jean - it's not just telemetry, try to differentiate the terms
- Jay - try to avoid look back period, idea was that different city has different look back period, currently is opposite of being standard, we could move to unknown, lost track of it, unknown is a gray area, supportive of standardize of look-back, if it's same period across different city, would be much better
- Michael -- need to clarify unknow category
- Jay - unknown vs missing, operator updated unknown as missing afterwards, if we change spec, look back for certain things, may be clear, unknow is kind of assumption, like we don't hear from them, then switch to unknown, could standardize on transition, or lookback period
- Marie - better define look back period, then put to unknown category, also vary by provider,
- Jay - happy to add more comments on heartbeats, currently look-back on days, not hours
- Michael - how to address unknow, and maybe leverage recommendation from Jay
- Matt Davis (Populus) - I just checked some real /vehicles data we have and in it the current location and last event location have the same timestamp, that operator doesn't seem to be communicating a "this is where the vehicle is right now" concept there.
- Michael - We need to clarify, welcome more feedback from the team
Consensus on common policy rules
- Sebastien - policy task force, prioritized 10 use cases, top 10 use cases, goal is to see if there are things to adjust, during analysis from providers, realize there are differences on rule type, try to come to consensus
- Difference between count and time for different providers
- Count is for fleet counts, used in MDS vs time is for individual vehicle limitation
- Suggestions to use Time for use cases 1-4, operating zone, no riding, no parking, required parking,
- Sebastien to reach out to the other two providers and getting their feedback on suggestions
- Michael - need all third party to chime in, also need operators to be on board, collectively decide and put it out there
- Jay (Bird) - standardization is good, not sure how to, need to decide and then push forward
- Michael - how about we collectively recommend this is what we propose, then get some feedback.
Implementation of rules and make it concrete
- Define constrained guidelines, preferred methods, rules for main use cases
- list of common use cases, get buy-in with main companies
- Sebastien - once we have consensus, we can suggest without changing MDS, provide some guidelines, on how to implement in these top 10 use cases..
- Michael - guideline approach will work, constraining, more than preferred approach.. Like the constraining guidelines..
- Sebastien - to provide recommendation on this constraining guideline approach.
- Jean - no additional comments
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