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Web conference notes, 2023.06.08 (MDS Working Group)
MDS Working Group
- Every other Thursday at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET
Zoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAscOmhpjIuHNakPx6CNbACpjUjw1Gsucr4
One tap mobile: +19294362866,,84170989462#,,,,*612987# US (New York) - though we encourage Zoom
Main Topics
- Car Share discussion with Bergen, Norway
- MDS 2.0 Office Hours
- Your Updates on Upgrading
- Open Q&A
WGSC Meeting Organizers
- Host: Craig Dittmann, San Jose DOT
- Facilitator: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
- Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
- Note taker: Marie Maxham, Lacuna
- Leave feedback on the 3 discussed issues
- 25 Attendees
- OMF Slides - N/A
- Meeting Recording - N/A
Lars: if a carshare vehicle is “reserved”, isn’t that reservation for the full duration of the trip as well? Can a carshare have more than one “journey”?
Michael: We left the interpretations of trips/journey somewhat ambiguous in the carshare spec to see how providers wanted to use it in practice.
Lars: Trip-type varieties don’t make sense for a station-based carshare
Michael: Those would be all “private” trip-types.
Lars: We are looking for ways to optimize charger use, so having information about the intended duration of the trip up-front, instead of after in the Trip structure.
Marie: Perhaps a partial Trip structure with pre-pickup details (like planned duration) could be created at reservation time, updated later once the vehicle returns. Alternatively we could add a Reservation structure that complements Trip.
Michael: MDS hasn’t been used for “future info about a planned trip” but it could.
Marie: Initial implementations of delivery bots and for-hire-vehicles were prototyped in the field ahead of 2.0, so feel free to bend MDS to your use cases.
Lars: We have our use-cases specified in a document that we will share. For example, we would call each separate ignition as the beginning of a separate ‘trip’ within the ‘journey’.
Alex: If a carshare journey is multiple trips, how would we know the whole time of the journey?
Marie: Diff between first trip_start and last trip_end for all trips with a shared journey_id.
Lars: We have use-cases for knowing if a car is a compact or a sedan or SUV, etc.
Michael: We deferred this in MDS 2.0 because there was no canonical way to categorize vehicles. We could try to align with GBFS, but there’s no canonical mapping from make/model/year to any particular “car type.” We should go find out what GBFS is doing on this and report back.
Lars: as long as vehicle_attributes are not constrained to a finite list, I think we’re good.
Lars: Which cities are openly using 2.0 for carshare?
Michael: Oakland maybe with Gig? Portland, San Jose, Denver. Vendors: Ride Report and Populus. Maybe Lacuna?
Pierre: Blue Systems is doing carshare in Lyon with a 1.x mod.
Vlad: LA wants it eventually.
Alex: SF eventually.
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