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Web conference notes, 2022.07.07 (MDS Working Group)
MDS Working Group
- Every other Thursday at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET
Zoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAscOmhpjIuHNakPx6CNbACpjUjw1Gsucr4
One tap mobile: +19294362866,,84170989462#,,,,*612987# US (New York) - though we encourage Zoom
Note: Attendees register upon entry into the Zoom meeting. An attendee count will be posted here after the meeting:
23 Attendees
Main Topics
Beta Feedback: Reports and Requirements
- Kickoff - Sebastian Berthaud, Blue Systems (5 mins)
- Beta: Reports
- Reports for all geographies?
- Add to geographies?
- List in Requirements?
- Add new special group type - see Reports beta feedback comment
- Reports for all geographies?
- Beta: Requirements
- SFMTA new file in OMF repo seen here
- Start and end location fields - PR
- Add Use Cases
- Add Data Retention
WGSC Meeting Organizers
- Host: Sebastian Berthaud, Blue Systems
- Facilitator: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
- Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
- Note taker: Jean Kao, Populus
- Jay clarification PR(s)
- change reports language so counts are calculated based on local time zone and daylight savings as it occurs per day.
- not include start date and offset data fields any more in CSV list
- add csv in reports header with note saying we know it’s not in the acceptable list
- clarify and make explicit that trips and rider counts are based on the start trip geography in reports
- PR to Limit geographies returned in reports:
- list geography types to include in requirements
- only return geographies where a trip occurred between effective and retired date as defined in that geography
- which geography a trip should be tied to is similar to which geography a report should be tied to, should format similarly
- Alex Demisch to create a PR to specify adaptive_scooters as a special_group_type and add as “definition of adaptive scooters agreed upon between the two parties (municipality and operator)”
- Move forward with adding start and end location fields to Trips per PR - review and open for final comment
- MS - PR needed for use cases on Requirements
- Marie to schedule working meeting
- Jay @ Bird: aggregated data have to do with user data, users on low income programs, etc
ViennaMike (comment in Github):
- why monthly reports?
- MS: could change this
- Jay: not like to do dynamic time frames at least not until have more solid spec, would have to run on fly to support dynamic or differing time frames which would require a lot more engineering so want to make sure there is demand for this first
- MS: recommendation - leave as-is for now with monthly reports
wellorder aka Jay (comment in Github):
- come back as as csv not json, should change suffix to not be json but csv is not an acceptable suffix
MS: find some way to specify that it’s csv with note saying we know it’s not in the acceptable list
- start date with offset for time zone is confusing, what is the value in using offset? why do work that’s easy to mess up - account for daylight savings time - if the consumer doesn’t care, can just use timezone instead
- MS: using offset so don’t have to add another column of mostly redundant data, maybe add another column for timezone, start date included for clarity but could be removed, is there a simple way to get around this without including time zone for each row
- Jay: aggregate for each month according to each time zone
- MS: change description to say follow time zone for each city
- Peter @ Lacuna: if we keep start date feels like it’s the instant for the report and in local time zone, can have convention around file name or some way of communicating time zone
- MS: if we keep static CSV and monthly maybe this isn’t needed
- MS: recommendation - just change language so that way counts are calculated are based on local time zone and daylight savings as it occurs per day
- Jay: to create pull request to not include start date and offset
- monthly file named by year and month is different from all other Provider endpoints
- Jay: is it malformed or asking for something that doesn’t exist, could be just requesting report in wrong format because it’s different than other endpoints
- MS: if we keep this as-is is there something we can do to make this more clear that this has a different format
- MS: keep as-is but Jay can makes changes in a PR if he comes up with a better solution
dirkdk (comment in Github):
- what geography linked to a trip should be used?
- MS: just clarify and make explicit that it’s the start trip geography
- Brandon @ Lime: keep it simple, use start trip
- Jay: Bird using start trip
- Brandon: clarify that rider count is also from start trip geography
wellorder (comment in Github)
- do we want all geography IDs to be included because not all of them are used in trips?
- MS: good point, for simplicity include them all and irrelevant ones come back as -1’s
- MS: in requirements endpoint have way for city to specify which geographies cities want reports for
- Alex @ SFMTA: simpler if we just indicated in the geographies data itself, if we specify in requirements than have to modify the requirements file
- MS: philosophically the way geographies is set up is really generic without lots of other data associated with it
- MS: could also specify in reports that only applies to specific geographies
- Jay: could also add reporting type
- Peter: which geography a trip should be tied to is similar to which geography a report should be tied to, should format similarly (ACTION ITEM FOR MS)
- Alex: because geographies are immutable is there a way to indicate which ones no longer interested in getting reports
- MS: only return geographies where a trip occurred between effective and retired date
- Jay: when run cron job only include active geographies at the request date
- MS: recommendation - ????
alexdemisch (comment on Github)
- specify adaptive_scooters as a special_group_type
- MS: being able to define adaptive scooters so it’s clear to operators what’s included
- Brandon: vehicle type is “other”, can this be used if adaptive scooters are the only other type
- MS: when mean adaptive vehicle what do you mean? Property of a vehicle type could be scooter or bike
- Alex: running adaptive scooter pilot and want some reports for this program
- MS: could definite as part of operations outside of spec
- MS: part of modes work, opportunity for more vehicle attributes, loop back on this
- MS: recommendation - add as “definition of adaptive scooters agreed upon between the two parties (municipality and operator)”
- Alex: create separate PR for this
BETA: REQUIREMENTS DISCUSSION Alex @ SFMTA created public SFMTA Requirements file, second public one after Portland, TY Alex!
alexdemisch (PR on Github)
- start and end location fields to Trips
MS: like this solution, any thoughts on this?
MS (issue on Github)
- add support to reference use cases
MS: any thoughts on this? Next step is to create a PR
William @ Ridereport (issue on Github)
- data retention policy
- Emmett @ Superpedestrian: derived data that is kept forever so will keep growing, value in retention policy
- MS: value in having this in city requirements file specifically?
- Emmett: could also be specified in permit
- Emmett: default is to keep all MDS data forever
- MS: needs more discussion, more traction as privacy committee works on this
- MS to create a PR on using csv suffix
- Jay to create a PR to remove start date and offset, and include time zone somewhere else
- Jay to create a PR on changes to file name if he comes up with better idea
- MS to clarify geography linked to a trip and also geography linked to report
- MS to create a PR on which geography IDs to be used
- Alex to create a PR around defining adaptive scooters outside of spec
- MS to create a PR on reference use cases
- Marie @ E&A: Also I want to solicit attendees for the Agency/Provider unification deep-dive
- If you're interested, please add your availability here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l-A47jig7Z5zoK7w5xmb0DUTSz4f-cV3nf7sEdGaF8I/edit#
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