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João Quinta da Fonseca edited this page Nov 17, 2022 · 22 revisions

Please put your name, status, together with a short description of your project in relation to micromechanics.


David Lunt (Lead in developing synergistic irradiation mechanical-time-temperature capability at UKAEA )

Characterising thermal and irradiation creep effects in ferritic-martensitic steels with general interest in plasticity and fatigue in polycrystalline materials. Knowledge of HRDIC and hands on experience of different patterning approaches depending on substrate.

Albert Smith (Responsible for developing in-situ loading and temperature capability within a SEM, TESCAN)

High level understanding of limitations and capabilities for setting up in-situ tests, in particular for application to HRDIC. Knowledge of small scale testing for irradiation.

Allan Harte (UKAEA)

Previously investigated in detail gamma prime size effects in Ni-based superalloy polycrystalline RR1000 and Alloy 690. Expert in ECCI.

Ben Poole (Lead for Micromechanics at UKAEA)

Technique development and use of HRDIC, high-angular resolution EBSD for strain/dislocation density measurement, advanced data processing, and other micromechanical techniques for fusion materials. Mostly interested in copper and copper-base alloys (for now), irradiation effects and plasticity. Full on CPFE modeller in previous life, still dabbling with modelling now.

UoM Staff

Ed Pickering (Lecturer)

Interested in using HRDIC to characterise the ductile-to-brittle transition in BCC alloys (and examine effect of irradiation damage to boot!).

Rhys Thomas (PDRA)

Developer of the DefDAP Python library for DIC analysis. Manage access to the workstation used for LaVision DaVis (aka C2 PC). PhD investigated strain behaviour in irradiated and/or hydrided ZIRLO and Zircaloy-4 using styrene vapour assisted gold remodelling and ex-situ mechanical testing using the FEI Magellan and Kammrath Weiss microtester. Current work is focused on XRD line profile analysis for measurement of dislocation density in irradiated Zr, but also in-situ micro mechanical testing on the TANIST.

João Quinta da Fonseca (The Old One)

Interested in using HRDIC to study polycrystalline plasticity in any material (not fussy) and linking to CPFEM predictions.

Michael Atkinson (PDRA)

Developer of DefDAP. Applied HRDIC to aero-engine alloys (currently Ni but soon also Ti) during reversed loading. Working on developing procedures for in-situ loading experiments and combining HRDIC and EBSD datasets.

UoM PhDs

Patrick Curran

My project is about fatigue in titanium Ti-6Al-4V and I use HRDIC to validate my crystal plasticity model, which I can then use to predict strain localisation during monotonic and cyclic loading and how this leads to crack initiation.

Dan Scotson

Investigating cracks and twins in ytterbium-based ceramic coatings for next generation jet engines.

Yukun Xu

Study the effect of aluminium on strain localisation in binary titanium alloys by EBSD combined HRDIC and investigate the twinning behaviour in pure titanium through Insitu HRDIC.

Laura González

My project seeks the understanding of strain localisation initiation during Al sheets bending. Crystal Plasticity Modelling (CPM) is used to see the effect of texture on strain localisation during bending, and HRDIC is needed to validate the strain maps obtained with CPM.

PhDs from other institutes

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