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Welcome to the zerocode wiki. Use the sidebar on the right to locate a topic or use "Ctrl+f" to find a topic. 👉
If you are not sure where to start, why not take a look at the What is Zerocode, then jump to the Developer's Guide below.
- Pre-requisites and System Requirements
- Introduction
- Super Easy and Zero Complexity
- Validators Vs Matchers
- Lenient and Strict Matching
- Validation and Verification
- Load Testing Made Easy
- Security Testing Made Easy
- Collaboration Made Easy among Dev/Test/BA
- Useful Reports and Dashboards
- Smart Projects Using Zerocode
- Getting started ⛹♂
- Supported testing frameworks
- HelloWorld examples 🙌
- A HTTP REST scenario or an user journey
- Running one or more scenarios
- Using System Env variables and System properties
- Performance Testing - Auto HTTP load generation
- Performance Testing - JUnit4
- Performance Testing - JUnit5
- Kafka Validation
- Parameterized Scenario
- Using Custom HttpClient
- Sending query params to HTTP methods
- File upload using HTTP API
- Http Basic-Auth security validation
- Boundary End Point Mocking
- Externalizing RESTful host and port
- Running a scenario in loop
- Passing Content-Type header
- Http Max TimeOut or Implicit Wait
- Dealing with dynamic arrays
- Chaining multiple steps for a scenario
- Ignoring step failures
- Running a Suite of Tests
- Zerocode test-input tokens
- Verifying HTTP error messages
- Invoking java utility methods
- Re-Using or injecting custom properties
- Bare JSON Strings as payload
- Empty HTTP body payload
- Handling Content-Type with charset-16 or charset-32
- Environment switching in build pipeline
- SOAP method invocation with xml input
- SOAP method invocation via Corporate Proxy
- Chatbot Validation
- Python DSL
- YAML and JSON Slice And Dice - Solved
- Inspired by and credits
- References, Discussions and articles
- Excluding Environment from Tests
- Modify Output Log File Location
- Upload Results to SFTP Location
Zerocode helps you to design better Test Cases for your business functionalities and then maintain them easily to avoid sleepless nights. You do this simply by configuring, declaring and executing the scenario-files enabling you to completely eliminate the glue or boilerplate coding.
Simply annotate your test method with @Test and run like JUnit
Testing becomes an easy and effortless job due to the simplicity nature of YAML/JSON formats and their native support by popular IDEs e.g. Eclipse /IntelliJ /NetBeans
etc with no extra plugin. Super easy!
It enables us to write automation tests for our
API End Point Validations
, -
Performance(Load/Stress) Validations
, -
Consumer Contract Validations
, -
End to End User Journey
, -
In Memory Application Validations
and -
API Security Validations
at the speed of writing JUnit tests.
It makes the tests declarative, configurable, and accurate.
Zerocode provides both LENIENT and STRICT matching mode for result comparison.
For exact matching:
For linient matching:
Zerocode enables you to achieve both Verification and Validation.
Visit here to learn JUnit way for load and stress generation
Zerocode gives you out of the box SSL enabled Http Client and SOAP Client along with the optional MIME type converters e.g. XML to JSON if needed to increase test readability. It provides you with the options to configure Corporate Proxy at runtime to allow API invocations via corporate-proxies
Zerocode has built general functionality which enables you to extend and enrich the framework behaviour by simply executing external Java methods as utility-functions to achieve business goals rather than putting every feature into the core framework.
Zerocode prints the request, response into the console as well as to the log file in the /target
folder in a human/business readable format, along with producing granular report in the CSV format
and Interactive Fuzzy Search Enabled Chart report
You can search and filter
the test report by author
or test-scenario
or test-step
or any relevant matching text making it super easy to trace a step in the context of a scenario or user-journey.
Test reports are generated into /target
folder every time the tests are run. Sample reports are here format.
Test logs are generated in the console as well as an user-defined log file. Default log location is target/logs/zerocode_rest_bdd_logs.log
::Note:: Every step can be traced with an auto generated STEP-ID to correlate a request with its response.
--------- CORRELATION-ID: e6170365-94e7-49dc-a1a3-5e102468acd9 ---------
{ }
--------- CORRELATION-ID: e6170365-94e7-49dc-a1a3-5e102468acd9 ---------
"status" : 200,
"headers" : {
"Date" : [ [ "Wed, 20 Dec 2016 03:00:48 GMT" ] ]
"body" : {
"id" : "UK1001",
"name" : "Gov UK",
"addresses" : [ {
"line1" : "HOME, AECS Layout, ZIP-56094"
*Response delay:7.0 milli-secs
---------> Expected Response: <----------
"status" : 200,
"body" : {
"id" : "UK1001"
Scenario failed for :-
+---Step --> [get_an_employee_detail]
Assertion path '$.status' with actual value '200' did not match the expected value '400'
Zerocode aims to make development and testing easier and faster, not harder and slower. Enables both Dev-team and Test-team to collaborate towards the highest quality of the software.
- Vocalink (A Mastercard company) - REST API testing for virtualization software
- HSBC Bank - MuleSoft application REST API Contract testing, E2E Integration Testing, Oracle DB API testing, SOAP testing and Load/Stress aka Performance testing
- Barclays Bank - Micro-Services API Contract Validation for System APIs build using Spring Boot
- Home Office(GOV.UK) - Micro-Services REST API Contract testing, HDFS/HBase REST end point testing, Kafka Data-pipeline testing, Authentication testing
- Deloitte(Australia) - Kafka data pipeline end to end validations
- Yandex Search Engine(Russia) - Load and Stress Testing aka Performance Testing
Developer's Guide
is the JUnit runner which enables us to run a single or more test-cases from a JUnit test-class.
public class GitHubHelloWorldTest {
public void testHappyFlow(){
public void testNegativeFlow(){
To run the scenario steps for each parameter from a list of values or CSV rows.


Visit Wiki for details.
Visit HelloWorld repo to see an example.
See example code:
@UseHttpClient(CustomHttpClient.class) //<--- Use your own HTTP client.
public class HelloWorldCustomHttpClientSuite {
You can pass query params in the usual way in the URL e.g. ?page=1&page_size=5
You can pass them in the request as below.
"request": {
It is also possible combine sending params in the url and in the request.
You can validate Basic Auth
in so many ways, it depends on your project requirement. Most simplest one is to pass the base64 basicAuth
in the request headers as below - e.g. USERNAME/PASSWORD
as charaanuser/passtwitter
Zerocode framework helps you to achieve this, but has nothing to do with Basic-Auth. It uses Apache Http Client
behind the scenes, this means whatever you can do using Apache Http Client
, you can do it simply using Zerocode
- Positive scenario
"name": "get_book_using_basic_auth",
"url": "http://localhost:8088/api/v1/white-papers/WP-001",
"method": "GET",
"request": {
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Basic Y2hhcmFhbnVzZXI6cGFzc3R3aXR0ZXI=" // You can generate this using Postman or java code
"verify": {
"status": 200, // 401 - if unauthorized. See negative test below
"body": {
"id": "WP-001",
"type": "pdf"
- Negative scenario
"name": "get_book_using_wrong_auth",
"url": "http://localhost:8088/api/v1/white-papers/WP-001",
"method": "GET",
"request": {
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Basic aWRONG-PASSWORD"
"verify": {
"status": 401 //401(or similar code whatever the server responds), you can assert here.
"body": {
"message": "Unauthorized"
- If your requirement is to put basic auth for all the API tests e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc commonly in the regression suite, then you can put this
header into your SSL client code.
Visit here to see an example scenario.
- In your custom http-client, you add the header to the request at one central place, which is common to all the API tests.
in the http-client code it uses.
Visit HelloWorld example repo and see the following example.
Note: Each runner is capable of running with a properties file which can have host and port for specific to this runner.
- So one can have a single properties file per runner which means you can run the tests against multiple environments -OR-
- can have a single properties file shared across all the runners means running as a
against the same environment.
** Note - As per Latest config update, we have updated endpoint configuration fields.
From the release 1.2.8 onwards we will be allowing web.
and deprecating restful.
in endpoint configurations.
We will take away support for restful.
from endpoint configuration in the future releases.
Version 1.2.8 will work for both as we have made the framework backward compatible.
The runner looks like this:
public class ScreeningServiceContractTest {
public void testScreeningLocalAndGlobal() throws Exception {
Runs the entire scenario two times i.e. executing both the steps once for each time.
"scenarioName": "Execute multiple times - Scenario",
"loop": 2,
"steps": [
"name": "create_emp",
"name": "get_emp",
It is very easy to send this content-type in the header and verify the response.
When you use this header, then you just need to put the Key-Value
or Name-Value
content under request body
or request queryParams
section. That's it.
"request": {
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"body": {
"unit-no": "12-07",
"block-number": 33,
"state/region": "Singapore North",
"country": "Singapore",
"pin": "87654321",
- What happens if my Key contains a
or front slash/
This is automatically taken care by Apache Http Client
. That means it gets converted to the equivalent encoded char which is understood by the server(e.g. Spring boot or Jersey or Tomcat etc ).
e.g. The above name-value pair behind the scene is sent to the server as below:
See more examples and usages in the Wiki >>
Setting "ignoreStepFailures": true
will allow executing the next step even if the earlier step failed.
"scenarioName": "Multi step - ignoreStepFailures",
"ignoreStepFailures": true,
"steps": [...]
See HelloWorld repo for a running example.
- Selecting all tests as usual
JUnit Suite
public class HelloWorldJunitSuite {
// This class remains empty
- Selecting tests by cherry-picking from test resources
// Or a folder containng the scenario-files
public class HelloWorldSelectedGitHubSuite {
// This space remains empty
Zerocode provides built-in tokens that help with your testing ranging from generating random numbers through to accessing system properties. Currently Zerocode offers the following tokens:
Place Holder | Output | More |
$CONTAINS.STRING:id was cust-001 | Assertion passes if the node response contains string "id was cust-001" | Otherwise fails |
$CONTAINS.STRING.IGNORECASE:id WaS CuSt-001 | Assertion passes if the response value contains string "id was cust-001" with case insensitive | Otherwise fails |
Assertion passes if the response value contains e.g. "1989-07-09" matching regex \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}
Otherwise fails |
$IS.NOTNULL | Assertion passes if a not null value was present in the response | Same as $NULL |
$IS.NULL | Assertion passes if a null value was present in the response | Same as $IS.NOTNULL |
$[] | Assertion passes if an empty array was present in the response | Otherwise fails |
$EQ.99 | Assertion passes if a numeric value equals to 99 was present in the response | Can be any int, long, float etc |
$NOT.EQ.99 | Assertion passes if a numeric value is not equals to 99 was present in the response | Can be any int, long, float etc |
$GT.99 | Assertion passes if a value greater than 99 was present in the response | Can be any int, long, float etc |
$LT.99 | Assertion passes if a value lesser than 99 was present in the response | Can be any int, long, float etc |
$LOCAL.DATETIME.BEFORE:2017-09-14T09:49:34.000Z | Assertion passes if the actual date is earlier than this date | Otherwise fails |
$LOCAL.DATETIME.AFTER:2016-09-14T09:49:34.000Z | Assertion passes if the actual date is later than this date | Otherwise fails |
$ONE.OF:[First Val, Second Val, Nth Val] | Assertion passes if currentStatus actual value is one of the expected values supplied in the array
Otherwise fails. E.g. "currentStatus": "$ONE.OF:[Found, Searching, Not Found]"
Validating with $CONTAINS.STRING:
"verify": {
"status": 201,
"body": {
"name": "$CONTAINS.STRING:Larry" //<-- PASS: If the "name" field in the response contains "Larry".
- Similar way exception messages can be validated for part or full message.
- Validating with
"verify": {
"status": "$GT.200" //<--- PASS: 201 or 200+ is greater than 200
"verify": {
"status": "$LT.500" //<--- PASS: 200 is lesser than 500
Sometimes it is handy to invoke a Java utility method to performa specific task e.g. simply generating a custom random-ID
or any complex operation specific to scenario automation.
"scenarioName": "Java method request, response as JSON",
"steps": [
"name": "execute_java_method",
"url": "org.jsmart.zerocode.zerocodejavaexec.OrderCreator",
"method": "createOrder",
"request": {
"itemName" : "Tier4 Visa",
"quantity" : 15
"verify": {
"orderId" : 1020301,
"itemName" : "Tier4 Visa",
"quantity" : 15
Order pojo
looks like below, full pojo src here-
public class Order {
private Integer orderId;
private String itemName;
private Long quantity;
public Order(
@JsonProperty("orderId")Integer orderId,
@JsonProperty("itemName")String itemName,
@JsonProperty("quantity")Long quantity) {
this.orderId = orderId;
this.itemName = itemName;
this.quantity = quantity;
public Integer getOrderId() {
return orderId;
public String getItemName() {
return itemName;
public Long getQuantity() {
return quantity;
You can directly use the framework properties or introduce new properties to be used in the test steps.
e.g. ${my_new_url}
, ${web.application.endpoint.host}
This is particularly useful when you want to introduce one or more common properties to use them across the test suite. 👍
(Clone HelloWorld repo to run this from your IDE)
# or e.g. some new properties you introduced
Then, you can simply use the properties as below.
"scenarioName": "New property keys from host config file",
"steps": [
"name": "get_api_call",
"url": "${web.application.endpoint.host}:${web.application.endpoint.port}/v1/screenings",
"name": "get_call_via_new_url",
"url": "${my_new_url}/v1/sanctions",
"scenarioName": "Bare string as json @@Oliver",
"steps": [
"name": "bare_string",
"url": "http://localhost:9999/api/v1/status",
"operation": "GET",
"assertions": {
"status": 200,
"body" : "completed" //<----- Base string as JSON
"scenarioName": "Empty body or no-body as payload @@John Smart@@",
"steps": [
"operation": "GET OR POST",
"request": {
// No body content
When the http server sends response with charset other than utf-8 i.e. utf-16 or utf-32 etc, then the Zerocode framework automatically handles it legally. See Wiki - Charset in response for details on how it handles.
Also the framework enables you to override this behaviour/handling by overriding method createCharsetResponse
in the class BasicHttpClient.java
. See an example in the working code example of HelloWorld repo.
When you have series of questions and answers to be validated, you can arrange them in a CSV format and drive a test.
Which means, for a given scenario, you just need to write one
scenario and multiple CSV rows of input/output data nicely arranged to validate the Chatbot APIs.
"parameterized": {
"csvSource": [
"What do you want to buy?, Laptop, Color(Red or Blue)?, Red, RAM(16 or 32GB), 32, 2000 USD",
"What do you want to buy?, Laptop, Color(Red or Blue)?, Blue, RAM(16 or 32GB), 16, 1500 USD",
"What do you want to buy?, Mouse, Color(Black or White)?, White, Wired or Wireless?, Wireless, 100 USD"
The newly implemented feature allows each test step to include an "excludeEnvironment" property, specifying environments where the step should be skipped. When a test runs, the system checks the current execution environment against the "excludeEnvironment" value. If they match, that specific step in the test is bypassed. This enhancement provides greater flexibility by allowing tests to adapt to different environments without requiring manual modifications.
Below example showing running in Production environment, where the passed in environment also equals production (test is excluded).
"scenarioName": "GIVEN- this 'verify_exclude_environment' step is to be excluded, WHEN- I invoke GET, THEN- the test step WILL NOT execute when the user passes 'Denv=Production' via command line",
"steps": [
"name": "verify_exclude_environment",
"url": "/users/octocat",
"method": "GET",
"request": {
"verify": {
"status": 200,
"body": {
"login" : "octocat",
"id" : 583231,
"type" : "User"
"excludeEnvironment": "Production"
Example running test from command line.
mvn test -Dtest="VerifySameEnvironmentTest#verifySameEnvironment" -Denv=Production
e.g. Verification Output of skipped test.
Current Environment: Production
Excluding Environment: Production
Skipping step 'verify_same_environment' because environment is Production
2025-03-02 08:57:00,107 [main] WARN org.jsmart.zerocode.core.runner.ZeroCodeMultiStepsScenarioRunnerImpl - Skipping step 'verify_same_environment' because environment is Production
Log File Location In Property File: target/logs/zerocode-581-logs_V2.log
<b>Test was skipped successfully due to environment being excluded</b>
Below example showing running in Production environment, where the passed in environment is Development (test is ran).
"scenarioName": "GIVEN- this 'verify_exclude_environment' step is to be excluded, WHEN- I invoke GET, THEN- the test step WILL execute when the user passes 'Denv=Development' via command line",
"steps": [
"name": "verify_exclude_environment",
"url": "/users/octocat",
"method": "GET",
"request": {
"verify": {
"status": 200,
"body": {
"login" : "octocat",
"id" : 583231,
"type" : "User"
"excludeEnvironment": "Production"
Example running test from command line.
mvn test -Dtest="VerifyDifferentEnvironmentTest#verifyDifferentEnvironment" -Denv=Development
e.g. Verification Output of non-skipped test.
Environment passed in doesn't match environment to be excluded, test ran as normal.
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.547 s -- in org.jsmart.zerocode.testhelp.tests.verifyenvironment.VerifyDifferentEnvironmentTest
The newly created "logback.properties" file includes a "logfile.location" property, allowing users to define a custom log file path instead of using a fixed location. This enhancement provides greater flexibility by enabling logs to be stored in directories based on user preferences. When the application initializes logging, it dynamically reads the "logfile.location" property.
Running test to verify log file is in correct location
mvn test -Dtest="VerifyLogFile#verifyLogFile"
The system now supports configuring SFTP log storage, allowing users to specify an external server for log file storage. Users can pass in their SFTP credentials (host, port, username, password) through this configuration file. After test runs, the user has the option of adding @AfterClass which can be used to upload the test execution results.
sftp.host=[Host Address]
sftp.password=[SFTP Password]
Running test that the log file was successfully uploaded
mvn test -Dtest="VerifySftpUpload#verifyUpload"
public class VerifySftpUpload {
public void verifyUpload() throws Exception {
public static void afterTests() {
System.out.println("Uploading logs to SFTP...");
Example output when the logs are uploaded successfully
Uploading logs to SFTP...
Connecting to SFTP server...
Connected to SFTP. Uploading file...
Log file successfully uploaded to SFTP: Uploads/zerocode-581-logs_V2.log
SFTP session closed.
TEST PASSED! File successfully uploaded to sftp.
If you are looking for simillar REST API validation DSL in Python using YAML/JSON, then visit this open-source pyresttest lib in the GitHub.
- test: # create entity by PUT
- name: "Create or update a person"
- url: "/api/person/1/"
- method: "PUT"
- body: '{"first_name": "Gaius","id": 1,"last_name": "Baltar","login": "gbaltar"}'
- headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
- validators: # This is how we do more complex testing!
- compare: {header: content-type, comparator: contains, expected:'json'}
- compare: {jsonpath_mini: 'login', expected: 'gbaltar'} # JSON extraction
- compare: {raw_body:"", comparator:contains, expected: 'Baltar' } # Tests on raw response
"test": {
"name": "Create/update person",
"url": "/api/person/1/",
"method": "PUT",
"body": {
"first_name": "Gaius",
"id": 1,
"last_name": "Baltar",
"login": "gbaltar"
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"validators": [
"compare": {
"header": "content-type",
"comparator": "contains",
"expected": "json"
"compare": {
"raw_body": "",
"comparator": "contains",
"expected": "Baltar"
The Quick-Start guide explains how to bring up a REST end point and run the tests.
Zerocode equivalent of the above example is
is equivalent tovalidators
is equivalent torawBody
Handy JSON and YAML slice/dice, format conversion, JSON Path evaluations tools can be found below:
- JSON to YAML and vice versa
Expand, Collapse, Remove Node and Traverse etc
- Tree structure viewing - Good for array traversing
- Remove a node -> Click on left arrow
- Beautify, Minify, Copy Jayway JSON Path
- JSON Path Evaluator
- XML escape double quotes for SOAP
Pyresttest's JSON/YAML based test-DSL inspired many of Zerocode's Http DSL and test-config features.
Apache JMeter's intuitive load configuration inspired various Zerocode's declarative Load Testing DSL.
SkyScreamer's lenient and strict mode JSON matchers inspired various Zerocode's result matching features.
JUnit5 Jupiter engine's easy and declarative approach to parameterized testing inspired Zerocode's parameterized testing feature.
Credits to Jetbrains for IDE licenses
Credits to the team members at HomeOffice(GOV.UK), Mizuho Bank, CMC Markets, HSBC Bank, Barclays, and Zohocorp whose comments and inspirations have helped to a great extent to shape the lib especially around REST API validators, custom JUnit4 Runners/Listeners, result matchers, and custom HTTP builders.
Powered by open-source software.
Visit our contributors list here.
- Performance testing using JUnit and maven - Codeproject
- REST API or SOAP End Point Testing - Codeproject
- DZone- MuleSoft API Testing With Zerocode Test Framework - DZone
- Testing need not be harder or slower, it should be easier and faster - DZone
- Kafka - Quick and Practical Testing With Zerocode - DZone
- Kotlin Apps Testing With Zerocode - DZone
- Google - Zerocode Kafka Testing
- Google - Zerocode API Testing
- Google - Zerocode Mulesoft API Testing
Visit the Zerocode Documentation Site for all things.
User's Guide
Zerocode Value Tokens
Http Testing
Kafka Testing
- Introduction
- Produce, consume proto message
- Produce raw message
- Consume raw message
- Produce JSON message
- Consume JSON message
- Produce and consume XML message
- Kafka - consume the latest message or n latest messages
- Produce avro message
- Consume avro message
- KSQL in action
- Produce multiple records
- Produce from file
- Produce to a partition
- Produce and consume records with headers
- Produce n assert partition ack
- Comsume and dump to file
- commitSync vs commitAsync
- Overriding config inside a test
- Chosing String or Int or Avro Serializer
- Chosing String or Int or Avro Deserializer
- Attaching timestamp during load
- Default timestamp provided by Kafka
- Consume and assert avro schema metadata
- Error handling - produce via avro schema
- Sorting Kafka records consumed
DB Testing
Kotlin Testing
Performance Testing - Load and Stress
- Performance Testing - via awesome JUnit runners
- Load Vs Stress generation on target application
- Run a single test or a scenario in parallel
- Run multiple test scenarios in parallel - Production load simulation
- Dynamically change the payload for every request
- Analytics - Useful report(s) or statistics
Parameterized Testing
JUnit5 Jupiter Test
Questions And Answers(FAQ)
- What is Zerocode testing?
- SSL http https connections supported?
- How to assert array size Greater-Than Lesser-Than etc?
- How to invoke POST api?
- How to assert custom headers of the response?
- How to pass custom security token into the request header?
- When to use JUnit Suite runner and when Zerocode Package runner?
- How to execute DB SQL and assert?
- How to handle Http response other than utf-8 e.g. utf-16 or utf-32 ?
- Random Number Generator Placeholders Usages and Limits
- Automation tests for Zerocode lib itself
- Picking a leaf value from the array matching JSON Path
- Array assertions made easy, incl. size and element finder
Read Our Blogs
- Top 16 Open Source API Testing Tools For REST & SOAP Services - joecolantonio (Lists popular tools - Globally)
- OAuth2 Test Automation - DZone 2min Read
- Zero defect APIs - Build Pipe Line - Medium 10 min Read
- Develop ZeroDefect API's with ZeroCode! - Extreme Portal ( A must read for all developers and test engineers) 10min Read
- Performance testing using JUnit and maven - Codeproject 10 min Read
- REST API or SOAP End Point Testing - Codeproject 10min Read
- DZone- MuleSoft API Testing With Zerocode Test Framework - DZone 5min Read
- Testing need not be harder or slower, it should be easier and faster - DZone 5 min Read
- Kotlin Integration Testing simplified via Zerocode - Extreme portal 10 min Read
- and More...