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Produce raw message

Ben Crossett edited this page Feb 28, 2025 · 1 revision

Table Of Content

1. Introduction

In this Wiki page, we will see what is a RAW message and how to produce this kind of records to a Kafka topic.

For more details about Kafka testing, please visit Kafka Testing Introduction - Baby Steps

kafka produce v2

2. What is RAW message

RAW messages can be any kind of messages which may or may not have any defined structure, as well as the messages, may or may not conform to a specific data schema. Think of a RAW message as plain text for now.

3. How to produce a RAW message to a Kafka topic

We just need to specify the "recordType" as RAW while producing the record to a Kafka topic.

 "recordType" : "RAW"

And the operation here is

 "operation" : "produce"

The test request will look like below

"request": {
    "recordType": "RAW",
    "records": [
            "key": "KEY-101",
            "value": "Hello World"

Please observe above, the "value" field which is a simple text message.

"value": "Hello World"

You can put anything into it and send to Kafka topic and Kafka broker will accept it.

e.g. "value": "bla bla" or "value": "10478ABCDG1234-HEXA-VALUE" etc

Then the consumer needs to decide how it should consume it, the best way to consume this kind of message is same as RAW. See the consumer example Consume RAW message in the side bar.

4. Which SerDe is used for this kind of record

What is SerDe? Ans: Serializer, Deserializer.

The best way to produce and consume RAW messages is use,

  • StringSerializer
    • key.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
    • value.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
  • StringDeserializer
    • key.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
    • value.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer

5. How the SerDe is configured for a Kafka producer

  • See here how they are configured.
  • Look for these two configs in the same resource folder.

You can update/add/remove the desired key-value depending on your test-requirement.

6. How does the full "produce" operation step looks like

Now we have all the details to invoke the "produce" operation. The step looks like,


    "name": "produce_raw_msg",
    "url": "kafka-topic:demo-raw-topic-1",
    "operation": "produce",
    "request": {
        "recordType": "RAW",
        "records": [
                "key": "KEY-101",
                "value": "Hello World"
    "assertions": {
        "status": "Ok",
        "recordMetadata": "$NOT.NULL"

7. How to run the test

The test looks like below and we can run the test as usual JUnit test,

public class KafkaProduceTest {

    public void testProduce_raw() throws Exception {


Where, the "" file contains,


And the "" contains,

# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
#          kafka producer properties
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


You can use many variation of "Serializer" depending upon your "key" and "value" data types of your tests. e.g. A "DoubleSerializer" if the Key is a Double or Integer or Long value.


8. How to verify the record in the topic via kafka-console-consumer

$ docker exec compose_kafka_1  kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 --topic demo-ksql  --from-beginning
Hello World

Where, "compose_kafka_1" is the name of the Kafka server container.

9. Where is the docker file

All Docker files are here in zerocode-docker-factory, but to run this test, you can use "kafka-single-node.yml" or "kafka-schema-registry.yml".

See intructions in the side bar on how to run the "compose" files. In short,

To bring the containers up,

docker-compose -f kafka-single-node.yml up -d

To bring the containers down,

docker-compose -f kafka-single-node.yml down

To view the kafka server logs

To bring the containers down, docker logs <kafka_container_name>


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