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HTTP max timeout or implicit wait

Ben Crossett edited this page Feb 28, 2025 · 1 revision

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Implicit Wait is an optional config for the HttpClient.

  • If this is configured, then the client will implicitly wait till the configured amount of time for the server response

    • Then, if it doesn't receive the response from the server within that time, then it will throw
    • And this test-step will be marked as FAIL and the execution will not continue to the next step. If you want to forcefully continue the execution, then you can use ignoreStepFailures flag
    • If the client/step receives the response before the configured max implicit wait time, then the execution will continue to the next step as usual
  • If this is not configured, then the client will continue working as usual.

    • In this case -
      • e.g. if the server takes more time to respond, the client will keep on waiting till the server responds or till a network-timeout occurs.

Configuring Max Timeout


Configure the above flag in the application host properties. That's it 👍

How It Works

  • E.g. the config above is set to 5000 millisec(5sec)
    • If the server takes more than 5sec to respond e.g. 6sec or 60 sec, then the client gets a Time-Out exception after 5sec and the step fails
    • If the server takes less than 5sec to respond e.g. 1sec or 4 sec, then the client completes the execution in 1sec or 4sec respectively and moves to the next step.


Please visit the HelloWorld repo for the examples and usages.


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