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By Haeley Griffin
- Introduction
- Common FAQs
- Health tips do at home
- Healthy food habits to boost immunity
- Healthy breathing practices
As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to spread, understanding of the virus causes and complex elements continues to evolve. The vitalness of becoming an informed citizen is key to helping the emotions such as afraid, angry, uncertainty, and anxiety be controlled. Here are some common questions and healthy tips.
COVID-19 is caused by a new coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. This can then affect and spread between people. For more information, click here.
The people most at risk are adults 65 years and up and those with pre-existing health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or compromised immune systems. For more information, click here.
You can find this US information section here.
Fever. Cough. Shortness of breath. In some people anosmia (losing sense of smell and taste) and/or body ache. For more information, click here.
Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the World Health Organization website and through your national and local public health authority such as CDC.
- Exercise Daily. W.H.O recommends 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week. Online classes, walking, and bodyweight lifts are perfect activities to take part in while staying quarantined.
- Prioritize fresh products when cooking meals at home. Prioritize fruits and vegetables over non-perishables.
- Avoid food waste. Consider freezing leftovers to have as another meal.
- Limit salt intake. Since it is more common now to rely on canned or processed foods, make sure to watch how much salt is in the foods you are eating. WHO recommends consuming less than 5 g of salt per day.
- Clean surfaces and commonly touched surfaces multiple times a day.
- Citrus fruits. These fruits help to build your immune system.
- Eating fruits and vegetables with every meal. This part of the food group is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients.
- Stay hydrated. Good hydration is very important for optimal health.
- Include leafy greens in your meals. Arugula, kale, and spinach are perfect examples to increase disease-fighting cells.
- Eating low-fat yogurt. This is a great mid-day snack that is high in vitamins.
Something as simple as breathing can help both your body and your mind. It can lower your heart rate, decrease blood pressure, reduce tension and help you feel less stressed overall. Here is one exercise to try out:
- To begin, sit in a chair in a comfortable position. Place your hands on your lap, with your back straight and your feet on the floor. You can also lie down on a couch or bed. Close your eyes if you wish.
- Tune in to how you're feeling. Are you relaxed or stressed? Is your mind calm or full of racing thoughts? Is your breath slow and full or fast and shallow? Is your body at ease or are your muscles tense?
- Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose to the count of 1...2...3...4.
- Now breathe out slowly through your mouth to the count of 1...2...3...4.
- Repeat this four times.
- Feel the release in your body and mind as you breathe in, and feel all the tightness leave as you breathe out. Like an ocean wave, let your breath gently carry any thoughts or tension away.
- When you're ready, slowly open your eyes and bring your attention back to the room around you.
Click here for more information on healthy breathing by US News Health.
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User's Guide
Zerocode Value Tokens
Http Testing
Kafka Testing
- Introduction
- Produce, consume proto message
- Produce raw message
- Consume raw message
- Produce JSON message
- Consume JSON message
- Produce and consume XML message
- Kafka - consume the latest message or n latest messages
- Produce avro message
- Consume avro message
- KSQL in action
- Produce multiple records
- Produce from file
- Produce to a partition
- Produce and consume records with headers
- Produce n assert partition ack
- Comsume and dump to file
- commitSync vs commitAsync
- Overriding config inside a test
- Chosing String or Int or Avro Serializer
- Chosing String or Int or Avro Deserializer
- Attaching timestamp during load
- Default timestamp provided by Kafka
- Consume and assert avro schema metadata
- Error handling - produce via avro schema
- Sorting Kafka records consumed
DB Testing
Kotlin Testing
Performance Testing - Load and Stress
- Performance Testing - via awesome JUnit runners
- Load Vs Stress generation on target application
- Run a single test or a scenario in parallel
- Run multiple test scenarios in parallel - Production load simulation
- Dynamically change the payload for every request
- Analytics - Useful report(s) or statistics
Parameterized Testing
JUnit5 Jupiter Test
Questions And Answers(FAQ)
- What is Zerocode testing?
- SSL http https connections supported?
- How to assert array size Greater-Than Lesser-Than etc?
- How to invoke POST api?
- How to assert custom headers of the response?
- How to pass custom security token into the request header?
- When to use JUnit Suite runner and when Zerocode Package runner?
- How to execute DB SQL and assert?
- How to handle Http response other than utf-8 e.g. utf-16 or utf-32 ?
- Random Number Generator Placeholders Usages and Limits
- Automation tests for Zerocode lib itself
- Picking a leaf value from the array matching JSON Path
- Array assertions made easy, incl. size and element finder
Read Our Blogs
- Top 16 Open Source API Testing Tools For REST & SOAP Services - joecolantonio (Lists popular tools - Globally)
- OAuth2 Test Automation - DZone 2min Read
- Zero defect APIs - Build Pipe Line - Medium 10 min Read
- Develop ZeroDefect API's with ZeroCode! - Extreme Portal ( A must read for all developers and test engineers) 10min Read
- Performance testing using JUnit and maven - Codeproject 10 min Read
- REST API or SOAP End Point Testing - Codeproject 10min Read
- DZone- MuleSoft API Testing With Zerocode Test Framework - DZone 5min Read
- Testing need not be harder or slower, it should be easier and faster - DZone 5 min Read
- Kotlin Integration Testing simplified via Zerocode - Extreme portal 10 min Read
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