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Switching Environment to CI DIT SIT UAT for Test Suite or Regression Pack

Ben Crossett edited this page Feb 28, 2025 · 1 revision

Passing environment param via Jenkins and dynamically picking environment specific properties file in CI

package org.jsmart.zerocode.testhelp.tests;

import org.jsmart.zerocode.core.domain.EnvProperty;
import org.jsmart.zerocode.core.domain.JsonTestCase;
import org.jsmart.zerocode.core.domain.TargetEnv;
import org.jsmart.zerocode.core.runner.ZeroCodeUnitRunner;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

@EnvProperty("_${env}") //any meaningful string e.g. `` or `envName` or `app.env` etc
public class EnvPropertyHelloWorldTest {

    public void testRunAgainstConfigPropertySetViaJenkins() throws Exception {

 Set "env=ci" in Jenkins (or via .profile in a Unix machine, 
 System/User properties in Windows).  Then the runner picks "" 
 and runs.
 if -Denv=sit, then runner looks for and picks "" and runs.

 If `env` not supplied, then defaults to "" 
 which by default mentioned mentioned via @TargetEnv
 Configure the below `mvn goal` when you run via Jenkins goal in the specific environment e.g. -
 For CI :
 mvn clean install -Denv=ci
 For SIT:
 mvn clean install -Denv=sit
 and make sure:
 `` and etc are available in the 
 resources folder or class path.


  • If you make this ${envName}, then use -DenvName=dit or -DenvName=sit etc
  • If you make this ${xyz}, then use -Dxyz=dit or -Dxyz=sit etc


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